中华人民共和国专利法实施细则(2010修订)(2001年6月15日中华人民共和国国务院令第306号公布 根据2002年12月28日《国务院关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法实施细则〉的决定》第一次修订 根据2010年1月9日《国务院关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法实施细则〉的决定》第二次修订)Implementation Regulations for the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China. Promulgated via State Council of the People’s Republic of China Order No. 306 on 15 June 2001First Revision Pursuant to the Decision of the State Council on Revision of the “Implementation Regulations for the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China” on 28 December 2002Second Revision Pursuant to the Decision of the State Council on Revision of the “Implementation Regulations for the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China” on 9 January 2010
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国专利法》(以下简称专利法),制定本细则。Article 1 These Implementation Regulations are formulated pursuant to the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Patent Law”).
第二条 专利法和本细则规定的各种手续,应当以书面形式或者国务院专利行政部门规定的其他形式办理。Article 2 Various formalities stipulated in the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations shall be completed in writing or any other format stipulated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
第三条 依照专利法和本细则规定提交的各种文件应当使用中文;国家有统一规定的科技术语的,应当采用规范词;外国人名、地名和科技术语没有统一中文译文的,应当注明原文。
Article 3 Various documents submitted pursuant to the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations shall be written in Chinese; where there are standardised technological terms stipulated by the State, the standard terms shall be used; where there are no standardised Chinese translated terms for foreigner names, geographic names and technological terms, the original terms shall be stated.
In the event that various certificates and proof documents submitted pursuant to the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations are written in a foreign language, where the patent administrative authorities of the State Council deem necessary, they may require the parties concerned to attach a Chinese translation within a designated period; where the parties concerned failed to attach the Chinese translation upon expiry of the designated period, the certificates and proof documents shall be deemed as not submitted.
第四条 向国务院专利行政部门邮寄的各种文件,以寄出的邮戳日为递交日;邮戳日不清晰的,除当事人能够提出证明外,以国务院专利行政部门收到日为递交日。
Article 4 The postmark date of various documents mailed to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall be the date of submission; where the postmark date is unclear, unless the parties concerned are able to provide the proof, the date of receipt by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall be the date of submission.
Various documents of the patent administrative authorities of the State Council may be served through mail, direct delivery or any other method on the parties concerned. Where the parties concerned have entrusted a patent agency, the documents shall be served on the patent agency; where a patent agency has not been entrusted, the documents shall be served on the contact persons listed in the letter of request.Various documents mailed by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall be deemed to be received by the parties concerned on the 15th day from the date of dispatch of the documents.For documents to be served directly pursuant to the provisions of the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, the date of delivery shall be the date of service.Where the address for service of documents is unclear or mailing is impossible, the documents may be served on the parties concerned through public announcement. The documents shall be deemed to be served after one month from the date of public announcement.
第五条 专利法和本细则规定的各种期限的第一日不计算在期限内。期限以年或者月计算的,以其最后一月的相应日为期限届满日;该月无相应日的,以该月最后一日为期限届满日;期限届满日是法定休假日的,以休假日后的第一个工作日为期限届满日。Article 5 The first day of various periods stipulated in the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations shall be excluded from the respective periods. Where a period is computed in years or months, the corresponding date of the last month shall be the expiry date of the period; where there is no corresponding date of that month, the last day of that month shall be the expiry date of the period; where the expiry date of the period is a statutory public holiday, the first working day after the public holiday shall be the expiry date of the period.
第六条 当事人因不可抗拒的事由而延误专利法或者本细则规定的期限或者国务院专利行政部门指定的期限,导致其权利丧失的,自障碍消除之日起2个月内,最迟自期限届满之日起2年内,可以向国务院专利行政部门请求恢复权利。
Article 6 Where the period stipulated in the Patent Law or these Implementation Regulations or the period designated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council is delayed by the parties concerned due to force majeure, resulting in loss of rights of the parties concerned, the parties concerned may submit a request for reinstatement of rights to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council within two months from the date of elimination of obstacles and the submission of request shall be made not later than two years within the expiry date of the period.
Except for the circumstances stipulated in the preceding paragraph, where the period stipulated in the Patent Law or these Implementation Regulations or the period designated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council is delayed by the parties concerned due to any other proper reason, resulting in loss of rights of the parties concerned, the parties concerned may submit a request for reinstatement of rights to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council within two months from the date of receipt of notification by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.Where the parties concerned request for reinstatement of rights pursuant to the provisions of the first paragraph or the second paragraph of this Article, the parties concerned shall submit a letter of request for reinstatement of rights, state the reason, attach the relevant proof documents where necessary, and complete the corresponding formalities which shall be completed prior to loss of rights; where the parties concerned request for reinstatement of rights pursuant to the provisions of the second paragraph of this Article, the parties concerned shall pay a request fee for reinstatement of rights.Where the parties concerned request for extension of the period designated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, the parties concerned shall state the reason and complete the relevant formalities with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council before expiry of the period.The periods stipulated in Article 24, Article 29, Article 42 and Article 68 of the Patent Law shall not apply to the provisions of the first paragraph and the second paragraph of this Article.
第七条 专利申请涉及国防利益需要保密的,由国防专利机构受理并进行审查;国务院专利行政部门受理的专利申请涉及国防利益需要保密的,应当及时移交国防专利机构进行审查。经国防专利机构审查没有发现驳回理由的,由国务院专利行政部门作出授予国防专利权的决定。
Article 7 Where there is a need to keep confidentiality of a patent application which involves national defence interest, the national defence patent office shall accept and examine the application; where there is a need to keep confidentiality of a patent application accepted by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council which involves national defence interest, the application shall be promptly forwarded to the national defence patent office for examination. Where the national defence patent office finds no reason to reject the application upon examination, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall decide on grant of national defence patent rights.
Where the patent administrative authorities of the State Council view that there is a need to keep confidentiality of an accepted patent application for invention or utility model which involves national security or significant interest other than national defence interest, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall promptly decide pursuant to the provisions on handling confidential patent applications and notify the applicant. Special procedures on examination and review of confidential patent applications and declaration of invalidation of confidential patent rights shall be stipulated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
第八条 专利法第二十条所称在中国完成的发明或者实用新型,是指技术方案的实质性内容在中国境内完成的发明或者实用新型。
Article 8 An invention or a utility model completed in China referred to in Article 20 of the Patent Law shall mean an invention or a utility model whose substantive contents of the technological plan are completed in China.
Any organisation or individual that submits a patent application in a foreign country for an invention or a utility model completed in China shall submit a request for confidentiality examination to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council pursuant to any of the following methods:(1) Where a patent application in a foreign country is submitted directly or an international patent application is submitted directly to the relevant overseas organisation, the applicant shall submit a request in advance to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, and state in details the technological plan; or(2) Where an applicant which has submitted a patent application to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council intends to submit a patent application in a foreign country or submit an international patent application to the relevant overseas organisation, it shall submit a request to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council before submitting the patent application in the foreign country or submitting the international patent application to the relevant overseas organisation.Where an international patent application is submitted to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, a request for confidentiality examination shall be deemed to have been submitted simultaneously.
第九条 国务院专利行政部门收到依照本细则第八条规定递交的请求后,经过审查认为该发明或者实用新型可能涉及国家安全或者重大利益需要保密的,应当及时向申请人发出保密审查通知;申请人未在其请求递交日起4个月内收到保密审查通知的,可以就该发明或者实用新型向外国申请专利或者向有关国外机构提交专利国际申请。
Article 9 Upon receipt of a request submitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of these Implementation Regulations, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall, upon examination and conclusion that there is a need to keep confidentiality of the said invention or utility model for which national security or significant interests may be involved, a notice on confidentiality examination shall be promptly issued to the applicant; where the applicant has not received a notice on confidentiality examination within four months from the date of submission of its request, it may submit a patent application in a foreign country or submit an international patent application to the relevant overseas organisation for the said invention or utility model.
Where the patent administrative authorities of the State Council have carried out a confidentiality examination pursuant to the notice stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall promptly decide on whether there is a need to keep confidentiality and notify the applicant. Where the applicant has not received a decision whether there is a need to keep confidentiality within six months from the date of submission of its request, it may submit a patent application in a foreign country or submit an international patent application to the relevant overseas organisation for the said invention or utility model.
第十条 专利法第五条所称违反法律的发明创造,不包括仅其实施为法律所禁止的发明创造。Article 10 An invention which violates the law referred to in Article 5 of the Patent Law shall exclude the invention for which the only implementation thereof is prohibited by the law.
第十一条 除专利法第二十八条和第四十二条规定的情形外,专利法所称申请日,有优先权的,指优先权日。
Article 11 Except for the circumstances stipulated in Article 28 and Article 42 of the Patent Law, where there are priority rights, the date of application referred to in the Patent Law shall mean the date of priority.
The date of application referred to in these Implementation Regulations shall, unless otherwise stipulated, mean the date of application stipulated in Article 28 of the Patent Law.
第十二条 专利法第六条所称执行本单位的任务所完成的职务发明创造,是指:
Article 12 An employee invention completed in the course of performance of duties in the employer referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law shall mean:
(1) An invention created in the course of performance of employment duties;(2) An invention created in the course of performance of duties other than employment duties assigned by the employer; or(3) An invention created within one year after the retirement or transfer from the original employer or the termination of employment or personnel relationship, which relates to the employment duties undertaken in the original employer or duties distributed by the original employer.The employer referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law shall include temporary workplace; the material and technological conditions of the employer referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law shall mean funds, equipment, parts and raw materials of the employer or technological materials which are not made available to the public, etc.
第十三条 专利法所称发明人或者设计人,是指对发明创造的实质性特点作出创造性贡献的人。在完成发明创造过程中,只负责组织工作的人、为物质技术条件的利用提供方便的人或者从事其他辅助工作的人,不是发明人或者设计人。Article 13 An inventor or a designer referred to in the Patent Law shall mean a person who has made creative contributions to the substantive characteristics of an invention. During the course of completing an invention, a person who is merely responsible for organising work or facilitating the materials and technological conditions or engaging in other ancillary work is not the inventor or designer.
第十四条 除依照专利法第十条规定转让专利权外,专利权因其他事由发生转移的,当事人应当凭有关证明文件或者法律文书向国务院专利行政部门办理专利权转移手续。
Article 14 Except for transfer of patent rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of the Patent Law, where patent rights are transferred due to any other reason, the parties concerned shall present the relevant proof documents or legal documents to complete formalities for transfer of patent rights with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
A licensing contract for patent implementation executed between a patentee and another party shall be filed with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council within three months from the date on which the contract comes into effect.In the event of pledge of patent rights, the pledgor and the pledgee shall jointly complete pledge registration formalities with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
第十五条 以书面形式申请专利的,应当向国务院专利行政部门提交申请文件一式两份。
Article 15 An applicant submitting a patent application in writing shall submit application documents in duplicate to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
A patent application submitted in any other form stipulated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall comply with the stipulated requirements.Where an applicant entrusts a patent agency to submit a patent application and complete other patent matters with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, a power of attorney shall be submitted simultaneously and the scope of entrustment shall be stated.Where there are more than two applicants and a patent agency has not been entrusted, unless the letter of request states otherwise, the first applicant stated in the letter of request shall be the representative.
第十六条 发明、实用新型或者外观设计专利申请的请求书应当写明下列事项:
Article 16 A letter of request for a patent application for invention, utility model or design shall state the following matters:
(1) The name of the invention, utility model or design;(2) Where the applicant is a Chinese organisation or individual, the name, address, postal code, organisation code or resident identity card number of the applicant shall be stated; where the applicant is a foreign individual, foreign enterprise or any other foreign organisation, the name, nationality or country or region of registration shall be stated;(3) The name of the inventor or designer;(4) Where the applicant has entrusted a patent agency, the name and organisation code of the entrusted agency and the name, practising certificate number and contact telephone number of the patent agent designated by the agency shall be stated;(5) Where the applicant requests for priority rights, the date of application and application number of the first-time patent application (hereinafter referred to as the “priority application”) submitted by the applicant and the name of the original accepting authorities shall be stated;(6) The signature or seal of the applicant or the patent agency;(7) A list of application documents;(8) A list of attached documents; and(9) Any other relevant matters which are required to be stated.
第十七条 发明或者实用新型专利申请的说明书应当写明发明或者实用新型的名称,该名称应当与请求书中的名称一致。说明书应当包括下列内容:
Article 17 The manual of a patent application for invention or utility model shall state the name of the invention or utility model; the name shall match the name in the letter of request. The manual shall include the following contents:
(1) Technological domain: state the technological domain to which the technological plan required to be protected belongs;(2) Technology background: state technology background which is useful for understanding, search and review of the invention or utility model; where possible, quote documents which reflect such technology background;(3) Contents of invention: state technological issues to be resolved by the invention or utility model and technological plans adopted for resolution of the technological issues, and state the beneficial effects of the invention or utility model by contrasting the existing technologies;(4) Explanations to attached drawings: where there are attached drawings in the manual, a brief explanation shall be provided for each attached drawing;(5) Detailed implementation method: state in details the methods for realisation of invention or utility model preferred by the applicant; where necessary, examples shall be cited for explanation; where there are attached drawings, the examples shall be contrasted to the attached drawings.A manual shall be written by an invention or utility model patent applicant pursuant to the method and sequence stipulated in the preceding paragraph, and a heading shall be stated in each part of the manual, unless any other method or sequence is used to describe the nature of the invention or utility model to shorten the length of the manual and to enable others to understand the invention or utility model accurately.The manual for invention or utility model shall use standardised terms and clear statements, and shall not use terms such as “as mentioned in the letter of claim ……” or commercial advertising terms.Where a patent application for invention includes one or more nucleotide or amino acid sequences, the manual shall include a sequence table which complies with the provisions of the patent administrative authorities of the State Council. The applicant shall submit the sequence table as an individual part of the manual, and submit a duplicate copy of the sequence table in computer readable format pursuant to the provisions of the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.The manual of a patent application for utility model shall include an attached drawing showing the shape, structure or composition of the product required to be protected.
第十八条 发明或者实用新型的几幅附图应当按照“图1,图2,……”顺序编号排列。
Article 18 Where there are several attached drawings of an invention or a utility model, the attached drawings shall be numbered sequentially and arranged in the order of “drawing 1, drawing 2, ……”.
Symbols of attached drawings which are not mentioned in the text of the manual for invention or utility model shall not appear in the attached drawings; symbols of attached drawings which have not appeared in the attached drawings shall not be mentioned in the text of the manual. Symbols of attached drawings in application documents which denote the same component shall be consistent.Except for terms required for an attached drawing, an attached drawing shall not include any other notes.
第十九条 权利要求书应当记载发明或者实用新型的技术特征。
Article 19 A letter of claim shall record the technological characteristics of the invention or utility model.
Where a letter of claim comprises several claims, the claims shall be numbered sequentially in Arabic number format.The technological terms used in a letter of claim shall be consistent with the technological terms used in the manual, and may include chemical formulae or mathematical equations, but shall not include illustration drawing. Except where absolutely necessary, terms such as “as mentioned in the … part of the manual” or “as illustrated in drawing ……” shall not be used.The technological characteristics in a letter of claim may cite the corresponding symbols in the attached drawings in the manual; the symbols shall be placed after the corresponding technological characteristics and inside parentheses to facilitate easy understanding of the claim. The symbols of the attached drawing shall not be interpreted as a restriction to the claim.
第二十条 权利要求书应当有独立权利要求,也可以有从属权利要求。
Article 20 A letter of claim shall have independent claims and may have subordinate claims.
An independent claim shall reflect the technological plan of an invention or a utility model as a whole, and record the requisite technological characteristics of solutions for technological issues.A subordinate claim shall use additional technological characteristics to further define the cited claims.
第二十一条 发明或者实用新型的独立权利要求应当包括前序部分和特征部分,按照下列规定撰写:
Article 21 An independent claim of an invention or a utility model shall include the preface part and the characteristics part, and shall be written pursuant to the following provisions:
(1) Preface part: state the title of the technological plan of the invention or utility model required to be protected and the requisite technological characteristics common to the theme of the invention or utility model and the closest existing technology; and(2) Characteristics part: use “its characteristics are ……” or similar terms, state the technological characteristics which distinguish the invention or utility model from the closest existing technology. These characteristics and the characteristics stated in the preface part shall jointly define the scope of protection requested for the invention or utility model.Where the expression in the aforesaid paragraph is not suitable for the nature of an invention or a utility model, an independent claim may be written in other methods.An invention or a utility model shall have one independent claim only, and the independent claim shall be written before the subordinate claims of the same invention or utility model.
第二十二条 发明或者实用新型的从属权利要求应当包括引用部分和限定部分,按照下列规定撰写:
Article 22 A subordinate claim of an invention or utility model shall comprise citation part and definition part, and shall be written pursuant to the following provisions:
(1) Citation part: state the serial number of the cited claim and the title; and(2) Definition part: state the technological characteristics appended to the invention or utility model.A subordinate claim shall only cite preceding claims. Multiple subordinate claims citing two or more claims shall choose one method to cite preceding claims and shall not serve as the basis for other one or more subordinate claims.
第二十三条 说明书摘要应当写明发明或者实用新型专利申请所公开内容的概要,即写明发明或者实用新型的名称和所属技术领域,并清楚地反映所要解决的技术问题、解决该问题的技术方案的要点以及主要用途。
Article 23 The synopsis of a manual shall state the outline of publicised contents of a patent application for invention or utility model, ie state the name of invention or utility model and the technological domain it belongs, and clearly reflect the technological issues to be solved, highlight of the technological plan for the issues to be solved and the main use.
The synopsis of a manual may include chemical formula(e) which best describe(s) the invention; in the case of a patent application with an attached drawing, the applicant shall provide an attached drawing which best describes the technological characteristics of the invention or utility model. The size and definition of the attached drawing shall ensure that various details in the drawing can still be clearly identified when the drawing is reduced to 4 mm × 6 mm. The text in the synopsis shall not exceed 300 words. The synopsis shall not use commercial advertising terms.
第二十四条 申请专利的发明涉及新的生物材料,该生物材料公众不能得到,并且对该生物材料的说明不足以使所属领域的技术人员实施其发明的,除应当符合专利法和本细则的有关规定外,申请人还应当办理下列手续:
Article 24 Where the invention in a patent application involves a new biomaterial, and the said biomaterial is not available to the public, and the explanation on the said biomaterial is inadequate for implementation of the said invention by technological personnel in the said domain, the applicant shall complete the following formalities in addition to compliance with the relevant provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations:
(1) Samples of the said biomaterial shall be submitted to the preservation organisation recognised by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council for preservation before the date of application or not later than the date of application (or the date of priority if there are priority rights), and the proof of preservation and the proof of survival issued by the preservation organisation shall be submitted at the time of application or not later than four months from the date of application; where the proof is not submitted within the stipulated period, it shall be deemed that the samples have not been submitted for preservation;(2) Materials pertaining to the characteristics of the said biomaterial shall be provided in the application documents; and(3) A patent application involving preservation of samples of the biomaterial shall state the taxonomy (state the Latin name) of such biomaterial, name and address of organisation responsible for preservation of the samples of the said biomaterial, date of preservation and preservation serial number in the letter of request and the manual; where the information is not stated at the time of application, supplementation or correction shall be made within four months from the date of application; where supplementation or correction is not made within the stipulated period, it shall be deemed that the samples of the biomaterial have not been submitted for preservation.
第二十五条 发明专利申请人依照本细则第二十四条的规定保藏生物材料样品的,在发明专利申请公布后,任何单位或者个人需要将该专利申请所涉及的生物材料作为实验目的使用的,应当向国务院专利行政部门提出请求,并写明下列事项:
Article 25 Where a patent applicant for invention has preserved samples of the biomaterial pursuant to the provisions of Article 24 of these Implementation Regulations, and any organisation or individual needs to use the biomaterial involved in the said patent application for experiment purposes upon announcement of the patent application for invention, a request shall be submitted to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, and the following matters shall be stated:
(1) The name and address of the requesting party;(2) Undertaking that the said biomaterial will not be provided to any other person; and(3) Undertaking that the said biomaterial will only be used for experiment purposes before patent rights are granted.
第二十六条 专利法所称遗传资源,是指取自人体、动物、植物或者微生物等含有遗传功能单位并具有实际或者潜在价值的材料;专利法所称依赖遗传资源完成的发明创造,是指利用了遗传资源的遗传功能完成的发明创造。
Article 26 Genetic resources referred to in the Patent Law shall mean materials obtained from human body, animals, plants or microbes, etc which have genetic function and actual or potential value; inventions completed on reliance of genetic resources referred to in the Patent Law shall mean inventions which are completed using the genetic function of genetic resources.
An applicant making a patent application for invention completed on reliance of genetic resources shall provide an explanation in the letter of request, and fill in forms formulated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
第二十七条 申请人请求保护色彩的,应当提交彩色图片或者照片。
Article 27 Where an applicant requests for protection of colours, colour pictures or photographs shall be submitted.
The applicant shall submit the relevant pictures or photographs for the contents of each design’s product which requires protection.
第二十八条 外观设计的简要说明应当写明外观设计产品的名称、用途,外观设计的设计要点,并指定一幅最能表明设计要点的图片或者照片。省略视图或者请求保护色彩的,应当在简要说明中写明。
Article 28 The brief description of a design shall state the name and uses of the design’s products and the design highlights of the design, and designate a picture or photograph which best describes the design highlights. Where visual pictures are omitted or the applicant requests for protection of colours, a statement shall be included in the brief description.
Where a patent application for design is made for several similar designs of the same product, one of them shall be designated as the basic design in the brief description.A brief description shall not use commercial advertising terms and shall not be used for explanation of product functionalities.
第二十九条 国务院专利行政部门认为必要时,可以要求外观设计专利申请人提交使用外观设计的产品样品或者模型。样品或者模型的体积不得超过30厘米×30厘米×30厘米,重量不得超过15公斤。易腐、易损或者危险品不得作为样品或者模型提交。Article 29 The patent administrative authorities of the State Council may, where it is deemed necessary, require a patent applicant for design to submit samples or models of the design’s products. The volume of a sample or model shall not exceed 30 cm × 30 cm × 30 cm, and the weight shall not exceed 15 kg. Perishables, fragile goods or dangerous goods shall be not submitted as samples or models.
第三十条 专利法第二十四条第(一)项所称中国政府承认的国际展览会,是指国际展览会公约规定的在国际展览局注册或者由其认可的国际展览会。
Article 30 International exhibitions recognised by the Chinese Government referred to in Item (1) of Article 24 of the Patent Law shall mean international exhibitions registered with or recognised by the Bureau International des Expositions pursuant to the provisions of the International Exhibitions Convention.
Academic conferences or technological conferences referred to in Item (2) of Article 24 of the Patent Law shall mean academic conferences or technological conferences organised and convened by the relevant administrative authorities of the State Council or national academic organisations.Where the invention in a patent application fits the description in Item (1) or Item (2) of Article 24 of the Patent Law, the applicant shall declare so at the time of submission of the patent application, and within two months from the date of application, submit the proof documents issued by the relevant organisation which organises the international exhibition, academic conference or technological conference that the relevant invention has been exhibited or published and that denote the date of exhibition or publication.Where the invention in a patent application fits the description in Item (3) of Article 24 of the Patent Law, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council may require the applicant to submit proof documents within a designated period where it is deemed necessary.Where an applicant failed to make a declaration and submit proof documents pursuant to the provisions of the third paragraph of this Article or failed to submit proof documents within the designated period pursuant to the provisions of the fourth paragraph of this Article, the provisions of Article 24 of the Patent Law shall not apply to the application.
第三十一条 申请人依照专利法第三十条的规定要求外国优先权的,申请人提交的在先申请文件副本应当经原受理机构证明。依照国务院专利行政部门与该受理机构签订的协议,国务院专利行政部门通过电子交换等途径获得在先申请文件副本的,视为申请人提交了经该受理机构证明的在先申请文件副本。要求本国优先权,申请人在请求书中写明在先申请的申请日和申请号的,视为提交了在先申请文件副本。
Article 31 Where an applicant is requesting for foreign priority rights pursuant to the provisions of Article 30 of the Patent Law, the duplicate copies of the priority application documents submitted by the applicant shall be certified by the original accepting authorities. Pursuant to the agreement executed between the patent administrative authorities of the State Council and the said accepting authorities, where the patent administrative authorities of the State Council have obtained the duplicate copies of the priority application documents through electronic exchange means, etc, it shall be deemed that the applicant has submitted the duplicate copies of the priority application documents certified by the said accepting authorities. In the case of a request for domestic priority rights, where the applicant has stated the date of application and application number of the priority application in the letter of request, it shall be deemed that the duplicate copies of the priority application documents have been submitted.
In the case of a request for priority rights, where the date of application and/or the application number of the priority application and/or the name of the original accepting authorities is/are omitted or erroneously written in the letter of request, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall notify the applicant to make supplementation or correction within a designated period; where the applicant failed to make supplementation or correction within the designated period, it shall be deemed that the applicant has not requested for priority rights.Where there is any inconsistency in the name of the applicant requesting for priority rights and the name of the applicant recorded in the duplicate copies of the priority application documents, the proof of transfer of priority rights shall be submitted; where the proof of transfer is not submitted, it shall be deemed that the applicant has not requested for priority rights.Where the applicant of a patent application for design requests for foreign priority rights, the priority application does not include a brief description of the design, and the brief description submitted by the applicant pursuant to the provisions of Article 28 of these Implementation Regulations does not exceed the scope expressed in the picture or photograph in the priority application documents, the entitlement of priority rights shall not be affected.
第三十二条 申请人在一件专利申请中,可以要求一项或者多项优先权;要求多项优先权的,该申请的优先权期限从最早的优先权日起计算。
Article 32 An applicant may request for one or more items of priority rights in a patent application; where an applicant requests for several items of priority rights, the term of the priority rights of the application shall commence from the earliest date of priority.
Where the applicant requests for domestic priority application, and the priority application is a patent application for invention, the applicant may submit a patent application for invention or utility model for the same theme; where the priority application is a patent application for utility model, the applicant may submit a patent application for utility model or invention for the same theme. However, at the time of submission of the latter application, where the theme of the priority application falls under any of the following circumstances, it shall not serve as the basis for the request for domestic priority application:(1) A request for foreign priority rights or domestic priority rights has been submitted;(2) Patent rights have been granted; or(3) An application for case assignment has been submitted pursuant to the provisions.Where an applicant requests for domestic priority rights, its priority application shall be deemed as withdrawn from the date of submission of the latter application.
第三十三条 在中国没有经常居所或者营业所的申请人,申请专利或者要求外国优先权的,国务院专利行政部门认为必要时,可以要求其提供下列文件:
Article 33 Where an applicant who does not have a habitual residence or business address in China submits a patent application or requests for foreign priority rights, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council may require the applicant to provide the following documents where it is deemed necessary:
(1) Where the applicant is an individual, the proof of nationality;(2) Where the applicant is an enterprise or any other organisation, proof document of the country or region of registration; and(3) Proof documents that the home country of the applicant recognises organisations and individuals in China may, pursuant to the same criteria of the citizens of the said country, enjoy patent rights, priority rights and other rights relating to the patent in the said country.
第三十四条 依照专利法第三十一条第一款规定,可以作为一件专利申请提出的属于一个总的发明构思的两项以上的发明或者实用新型,应当在技术上相互关联,包含一个或者多个相同或者相应的特定技术特征,其中特定技术特征是指每一项发明或者实用新型作为整体,对现有技术作出贡献的技术特征。Article 34 Pursuant to the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 31 of the Patent Law, two or more inventions or utility models which belong to an overall invention concept and may be submitted in a patent application shall be technically interrelated, and shall include one or several same or corresponding specific technological characteristics; specific technological characteristics shall mean technological characteristics of each invention or utility model as a whole, which contribute to the existing technologies.
第三十五条 依照专利法第三十一条第二款规定,将同一产品的多项相似外观设计作为一件申请提出的,对该产品的其他设计应当与简要说明中指定的基本设计相似。一件外观设计专利申请中的相似外观设计不得超过10项。
Article 35 Pursuant to the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 31 of the Patent Law, where an application is submitted for several similar designs of the same product, other designs of the said product shall be similar to the basic design designated in the brief description. There shall not be more than 10 similar designs in a patent application for design.
Two or more designs of products of the same category but sold or used in a complete set referred to in the second paragraph of Article 31 of the Patent Law shall mean that all the products fall under the same major category in the classification, and are usually sold or used together at the same time, and the designs of all the products share the same design concept.Where an application comprises two or more designs, the sequential serial number of each design shall be marked before the name of the respective picture or photograph of each design’s product.
第三十六条 申请人撤回专利申请的,应当向国务院专利行政部门提出声明,写明发明创造的名称、申请号和申请日。
Article 36 Where an applicant withdraws a patent application, it shall make a declaration to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, stating the name of the invention, application number and date of application.
Where a declaration of withdrawal of patent application is made after the patent administrative authorities of the State Council have completed printing preparations for announcement of patent application documents, the application documents shall be announced; however, the declaration of withdrawal of patent application shall be announced on subsequently published patent gazette.
第三十七条 在初步审查、实质审查、复审和无效宣告程序中,实施审查和审理的人员有下列情形之一的,应当自行回避,当事人或者其他利害关系人可以要求其回避:
Article 37 During the procedures of preliminary examination, substantive examination, review and declaration of invalidation, where an officer carrying out examination or processing falls under any of the following descriptions, the officer shall voluntarily withdraw from the examination or processing, and the parties concerned or other stakeholders may request that the officer withdraws from the examination or processing:
(1) He/she is a close relative of a party concerned or its agent;(2) He/she has interests in the patent application or patent rights;(3) He/she is otherwise related to a party concerned or its agent and may affect fair examination or processing; or(4) He/she is a member of the patent review committee who has participated in examination of the original application.
第三十八条 国务院专利行政部门收到发明或者实用新型专利申请的请求书、说明书(实用新型必须包括附图)和权利要求书,或者外观设计专利申请的请求书、外观设计的图片或者照片和简要说明后,应当明确申请日、给予申请号,并通知申请人。Article 38 Upon receipt of a letter of request for a patent application for invention or utility model, manual (attached drawings shall be included for a utility model) and letter of claim, or a letter of request for a patent application for design, pictures or photographs of the design and brief description, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall specify the date of application, issue an application number and notify the applicant.
第三十九条 专利申请文件有下列情形之一的,国务院专利行政部门不予受理,并通知申请人:
Article 39 Where a patent application document falls under any of the following descriptions, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall not accept the application and shall notify the applicant:
(1) Where there is no letter of request, manual (there is no attached drawing of a utility model) or letter of claim for a patent application for invention or utility model, or there is no letter of request, picture or photograph or brief description for a patent application for design;(2) The text is not written in Chinese;(3) The provisions of the first paragraph of Article 121 of these Implementation Regulations are not complied with;(4) The name or address of the applicant is not stated in the letter of request;(5) The provisions of Article 18 or the first paragraph of Article 19 of the Patent Law are evidently not complied with; or(6) The type of patent application (invention, utility model or design) is unclear or difficult to ascertain.
第四十条 说明书中写有对附图的说明但无附图或者缺少部分附图的,申请人应当在国务院专利行政部门指定的期限内补交附图或者声明取消对附图的说明。申请人补交附图的,以向国务院专利行政部门提交或者邮寄附图之日为申请日;取消对附图的说明的,保留原申请日。Article 40 Where a manual makes reference to an attached drawing but the attached drawing is missing or partially missing, the applicant shall supplement the attached drawing or declare to cancel the reference to the attached drawing within the period designated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council. Where the applicant supplements the attached drawing, the date of application shall be the date of submission or mailing of the attached drawing to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council; where the applicant cancels the reference to the attached drawing, the original date of application shall be retained.
第四十一条 两个以上的申请人同日(指申请日;有优先权的,指优先权日)分别就同样的发明创造申请专利的,应当在收到国务院专利行政部门的通知后自行协商确定申请人。
Article 41 Where two or more applicants submit a patent application for the same invention on the same day (refer to the date of application; or the date of priority where there are priority rights), the applicant shall be determined by voluntary negotiation upon receipt of the notice from the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
Where an applicant submits a patent application for utility model as well as invention for the same invention on the same day (refer to the date of application), the applicant shall state in the respective patent application at the time of application that another patent application for the same invention has been made; where the statement is not made, the case shall be handled pursuant to the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 9 of the Patent Law pertaining to grant of only one item of patent rights for the same invention.The public announcement on grant of utility model patent rights by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall include an explanation that the applicant has made a patent application for invention concurrently pursuant to the provisions of the second paragraph of this Article.Where a reason for rejection is not found upon examination of a patent application for invention, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall notify the applicant to renounce utility model patent rights within a stipulated period. Where the applicant renounces the utility model patent rights, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall make a decision on grant of invention patent rights, and state in the announcement of grant of invention patent rights that the applicant has renounced the utility model patent rights. Where the applicant refuses to renounce the utility model patent rights, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall reject the patent application for the said invention; where the applicant failed to reply within the stipulated period, the patent application for the said invention shall be deemed as withdrawn.Utility model patent rights shall be terminated from the date of public announcement on grant of invention patent rights.
第四十二条 一件专利申请包括两项以上发明、实用新型或者外观设计的,申请人可以在本细则第五十四条第一款规定的期限届满前,向国务院专利行政部门提出分案申请;但是,专利申请已经被驳回、撤回或者视为撤回的,不能提出分案申请。
Article 42 Where a patent application comprises two or more inventions, utility models or designs, the applicant may submit an application for case assignment to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council before expiry of the period stipulated in the first paragraph of Article 54 of these Implementation Regulations; however, where the patent application is rejected or withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn, an application for case assignment shall not be made.
Where the patent administrative authorities of the State Council deem that a patent application does not comply with the provisions of Article 31 of the Patent Law and Article 34 or Article 35 of these Implementation Regulations, the applicant shall be notified to amend the application within a designated period; where the applicant failed to reply within the designated period, the said application shall be deemed as withdrawn.An application for case assignment shall not alter the category of the original application.
第四十三条 依照本细则第四十二条规定提出的分案申请,可以保留原申请日,享有优先权的,可以保留优先权日,但是不得超出原申请记载的范围。
Article 43 An application for case assignment submitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 42 of these Implementation Regulations may retain the original date of application; where the original application enjoys priority rights, the date of priority may be retained, provided that the scope recorded in the original application shall not be exceeded.
The relevant formalities shall be completed pursuant to the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations for applications for case assignment.A letter of request for application for case assignment shall state the application number and the date of application of the original application. At the time of submission of an application for case assignment, the applicant shall submit duplicate copies of the original application documents; where the original application enjoys priority rights, duplicate copies of the documents for priority rights in the original application shall be submitted.
第四十四条 专利法第三十四条和第四十条所称初步审查,是指审查专利申请是否具备专利法第二十六条或者第二十七条规定的文件和其他必要的文件,这些文件是否符合规定的格式,并审查下列各项:
Article 44 Preliminary examination referred to in Article 34 and Article 40 of the Patent Law shall mean examining whether a patent application includes the documents stipulated in Article 26 or Article 27 of the Patent Law and other necessary documents, whether these documents comply with the stipulated format, and the following items:
(1) Whether a patent application for invention evidently fits the description stipulated in Article 5 or Article 25 of the Patent Law, whether it does not comply with the provisions of Article 18, the first paragraph of Article 19 or the first paragraph of Article 20 of the Patent Law or the provisions of Article 16 or the second paragraph of Article 26 of these Implementation Regulations, whether it evidently does not comply with the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 2, the fifth paragraph of Article 26, the first paragraph of Article 31 or Article 33 of the Patent Law or the provisions of Article 17 to Article 21 of these Implementation Regulations;(2) Whether a patent application for utility model evidently fits the description stipulated in Article 5 or Article 25 of the Patent Law, whether it does not comply with the provisions of Article 18, the first paragraph of Article 19 or the first paragraph of Article 20 of the Patent Law or the provisions of Article 16 to Article 19 or Article 21 to Article 23 of these Implementation Regulations, whether it evidently does not comply with the provisions of the third paragraph of Article 2, the second and fourth paragraphs of Article 22, the third and fourth paragraphs of Article 26, the first paragraph of Article 31 or Article 33 of the Patent Law or the provisions of Article 20 or the first paragraph of Article 43 of these Implementation Regulations, whether patent rights shall not be granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of the Patent Law;(3) Whether a patent application for design evidently fits the description stipulated in Article 5 or Item (6) of the first paragraph of Article 25 of the Patent Law, whether it does not comply with the provisions of Article 18 or the first paragraph of Article 19 of the Patent Law or the provisions of Article 16, Article 27 or Article 28 of these Implementation Regulations, whether it evidently does not comply with the provisions of the fourth paragraph of Article 2, the first paragraph of Article 23, the second paragraph of Article 27, the second paragraph of Article 31 or Article 33 of the Patent Law or the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 43 of these Implementation Regulations, whether patent rights shall not be granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of the Patent Law; and(4) Whether the application documents comply with the provisions of Article 2 or the first paragraph of Article 3 of these Implementation Regulations.The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall notify the applicant of the examination opinion and require the applicant to make a representation or make supplementation or correction within a designated period; where the applicant failed to reply within the designated period, the application shall be deemed as withdrawn. Upon representation or supplementation or correction by the applicant, where the patent administrative authorities of the State Council remain convinced that the provisions listed in the preceding paragraph are not complied with, the application shall be rejected.
第四十五条 除专利申请文件外,申请人向国务院专利行政部门提交的与专利申请有关的其他文件有下列情形之一的,视为未提交:
Article 45 Except for patent application documents, where any other documents relating to the patent application submitted by an applicant to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council fits any of the following descriptions, it shall be deemed that such documents have not been submitted:
(1) The documents do not comply with the stipulated format or the documents are not filled in pursuant to the provisions; or(2) The applicant failed to submit proof materials pursuant to the provisions.The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall notify the applicant of the examination opinion of deemed non-submission.
第四十六条 申请人请求早日公布其发明专利申请的,应当向国务院专利行政部门声明。国务院专利行政部门对该申请进行初步审查后,除予以驳回的外,应当立即将申请予以公布。Article 46 Where an applicant requests for early announcement of its patent application for invention, it shall make a declaration to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council. Upon preliminary examination of the said application by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, except where the application is rejected, an announcement of the application shall be made forthwith.
第四十七条 申请人写明使用外观设计的产品及其所属类别的,应当使用国务院专利行政部门公布的外观设计产品分类表。未写明使用外观设计的产品所属类别或者所写的类别不确切的,国务院专利行政部门可以予以补充或者修改。Article 47 An applicant shall state the products which use the design and their category in accordance with the product classification for designs announced by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council. Where the category of the products which use the design is not stated or the stated category is non-specific, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council may make supplementation or amendment.
第四十八条 自发明专利申请公布之日起至公告授予专利权之日止,任何人均可以对不符合专利法规定的专利申请向国务院专利行政部门提出意见,并说明理由。Article 48 During the period from the date of announcement of a patent application for invention to the date of announcement of grant of patent rights, any person may submit an opinion to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council pertaining to the patent application’s non-compliance with the provisions of the Patent Law and state the reasons.
第四十九条 发明专利申请人因有正当理由无法提交专利法第三十六条规定的检索资料或者审查结果资料的,应当向国务院专利行政部门声明,并在得到有关资料后补交。Article 49 Where a patent applicant for invention is unable to provide search materials or materials for examination results stipulated in Article 36 of the Patent Law due to a justifiable reason, it shall make a declaration to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, and submit the relevant materials retrospectively.
第五十条 国务院专利行政部门依照专利法第三十五条第二款的规定对专利申请自行进行审查时,应当通知申请人。Article 50 The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall notify the applicant at the time of voluntary examination of a patent application pursuant to the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 35 of the Patent Law.
第五十一条 发明专利申请人在提出实质审查请求时以及在收到国务院专利行政部门发出的发明专利申请进入实质审查阶段通知书之日起的3个月内,可以对发明专利申请主动提出修改。
Article 51 An invention patent applicant may amend a patent application for invention voluntarily at the time of requesting for substantive examination and within three months from the date of receipt of notice from the patent administrative authorities of the State Council that the patent application for invention has entered into the substantive examination phase.
A utility model or design patent applicant may amend the patent application for utility model or design voluntarily within two months from the date of application.Where an applicant amends its patent application documents upon receipt of a notice on examination opinion issued by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, it shall amend the defects stated in the notice.The patent administrative authorities of the State Council may voluntarily amend evident mistakes of Chinese characters and symbols in a patent application document. Where the patent administrative authorities of the State Council make amendment voluntarily, the applicant shall be notified.
第五十二条 发明或者实用新型专利申请的说明书或者权利要求书的修改部分,除个别文字修改或者增删外,应当按照规定格式提交替换页。外观设计专利申请的图片或者照片的修改,应当按照规定提交替换页。Article 52 Except for amendments, insertion or deletion of individual words, a replacement page shall be submitted in the stipulated format for amendments to the manual or letter of claim of a patent application for invention or utility model. A replacement page shall be submitted pursuant to the provisions for amendments to pictures or photographs in a patent application for design.
第五十三条 依照专利法第三十八条的规定,发明专利申请经实质审查应当予以驳回的情形是指:
Article 53 Pursuant to the provisions of Article 38 of the Patent Law, circumstances under which a patent application for invention which has undergone substantive examination shall be rejected shall mean:
(1) Where an application fits the description stipulated in Article 5 or Article 25 of the Patent Law, or patent rights shall not be obtained pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of the Patent Law;(2) Where an application does not comply with the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 2, the first paragraph of Article 20, Article 22, the third, fourth and fifth paragraphs of Article 26 or the first paragraph of Article 31 of the Patent Law or the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 20 of these Implementation Regulations; or(3) Where amendments to the application do not comply with the provisions of Article 33 of the Patent Law, or an application for case assignment does not comply with the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 43 of these Implementation Regulations.
第五十四条 国务院专利行政部门发出授予专利权的通知后,申请人应当自收到通知之日起2个月内办理登记手续。申请人按期办理登记手续的,国务院专利行政部门应当授予专利权,颁发专利证书,并予以公告。
Article 54 Upon issuance of a notice on grant of patent rights by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, the applicant shall complete registration formalities within two months from the date of receipt of the notice. Where the applicant has completed registration formalities by the deadline, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall grant patent rights, issue a patent certificate, and make a public announcement.
Where the applicant failed to complete registration formalities within the stipulated period, it shall be deemed to have waived its rights to obtain patent rights.
第五十五条 保密专利申请经审查没有发现驳回理由的,国务院专利行政部门应当作出授予保密专利权的决定,颁发保密专利证书,登记保密专利权的有关事项。Article 55 Where a reason for rejection is not found upon examination of a confidential patent application, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall make a decision on grant of confidential patent rights, issue a confidential patent certificate, and process registration of items pertaining to the confidential patent rights.
第五十六条 授予实用新型或者外观设计专利权的决定公告后,专利法第六十条规定的专利权人或者利害关系人可以请求国务院专利行政部门作出专利权评价报告。
Article 56 Upon announcement of a decision on grant of utility model or design patent rights, a patentee or stakeholder stipulated in Article 60 of the Patent Law may request for a patent rights evaluation report from the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
Where a patentee or stakeholder requests for a patent rights evaluation report, it shall submit a letter of request for patent rights evaluation report and state the patent number. Each request shall be limited to one item of patent rights.Where a letter of request for patent rights evaluation report does not comply with the provisions, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall notify the requesting party to make supplementation or correction within a designated period; where the requesting party failed to make supplementation or correction within the designated period, it shall be deemed that the request has not been made.
第五十七条 国务院专利行政部门应当自收到专利权评价报告请求书后2个月内作出专利权评价报告。对同一项实用新型或者外观设计专利权,有多个请求人请求作出专利权评价报告的,国务院专利行政部门仅作出一份专利权评价报告。任何单位或者个人可以查阅或者复制该专利权评价报告。Article 57 The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall issue a patent rights evaluation report within two months after receipt of the letter of request for patent rights evaluation report. Where there are multiple requesting parties requesting for a patent rights evaluation report for the same utility model or design patent rights, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall issue only one patent rights evaluation report. Any organisation or individual may inspect or make copies of the said patent rights evaluation report.
第五十八条 国务院专利行政部门对专利公告、专利单行本中出现的错误,一经发现,应当及时更正,并对所作更正予以公告。Article 58 Upon discovery of a mistake in a patent announcement or patent monograph, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall promptly make correction and announce the correction made.
第五十九条 专利复审委员会由国务院专利行政部门指定的技术专家和法律专家组成,主任委员由国务院专利行政部门负责人兼任。Article 59 The patent review committee shall comprise technological experts and legal experts designated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council; the person-in-charge of the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall hold the position of chairman concurrently.
第六十条 依照专利法第四十一条的规定向专利复审委员会请求复审的,应当提交复审请求书,说明理由,必要时还应当附具有关证据。
Article 60 A person requesting for a review conducted by the patent review committee pursuant to the provisions of Article 41 of the Patent Law shall submit a letter of request for review, state the reason and attach the relevant evidence where necessary.
Where a request for review does not comply with the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 19 or the first paragraph of Article 41 of the Patent Law, the patent review committee shall not accept the request and notify the requesting party for review in writing and state the reason.Where a letter of request for review does not comply with the stipulated format, the requesting party for review shall make supplementation or correction within the period designated by the patent review committee; where the requesting party failed to make supplementation or correction within the designated period, it shall be deemed that the request for review has not been submitted.
第六十一条 请求人在提出复审请求或者在对专利复审委员会的复审通知书作出答复时,可以修改专利申请文件;但是,修改应当仅限于消除驳回决定或者复审通知书指出的缺陷。
Article 61 A requesting party may amend patent application documents at the time of requesting for review or replying to a notice on review from the patent review committee; however, the amendments shall be limited to elimination of a defect pointed out in a decision of rejection or notice on review.
Revised patent application documents shall be submitted in duplicate.
第六十二条 专利复审委员会应当将受理的复审请求书转交国务院专利行政部门原审查部门进行审查。原审查部门根据复审请求人的请求,同意撤销原决定的,专利复审委员会应当据此作出复审决定,并通知复审请求人。Article 62 The patent review committee shall forward a letter of request for review accepted by the committee to the original examination authorities of the patent administrative authorities of the State Council for examination. Where the original examination authorities consent to revocation of the original decision pursuant to the request of the requesting party for review, the patent review committee shall make a review decision based on this and notify the requesting party for review.
第六十三条 专利复审委员会进行复审后,认为复审请求不符合专利法和本细则有关规定的,应当通知复审请求人,要求其在指定期限内陈述意见。期满未答复的,该复审请求视为撤回;经陈述意见或者进行修改后,专利复审委员会认为仍不符合专利法和本细则有关规定的,应当作出维持原驳回决定的复审决定。
Article 63 Upon review, where the patent review committee concludes that a request for review does not comply with the relevant provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations, it shall notify the requesting party for review and require the requesting party for review to make representation within a designated period. Where the requesting party for review failed to reply within the designated period, it shall be deemed that the request for review has been withdrawn; upon representation or amendment, where the patent review committee still concludes that the request for review does not comply with the relevant provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations, it shall make a review decision to uphold the original decision of rejection.
Upon review, where the patent review committee concludes that the original decision of rejection does not comply with the relevant provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations, or concludes that the amended patent application documents have eliminated the defect pointed out in the original decision of rejection, the original decision of rejection shall be revoked, and the original examination authorities shall continue with the examination procedures.
第六十四条 复审请求人在专利复审委员会作出决定前,可以撤回其复审请求。
Article 64 A requesting party for review may withdraw its request for review before the patent review committee makes a decision.
Where a requesting party for review withdraws its request for review before the patent review committee makes a decision, the review procedures shall terminate.
第六十五条 依照专利法第四十五条的规定,请求宣告专利权无效或者部分无效的,应当向专利复审委员会提交专利权无效宣告请求书和必要的证据一式两份。无效宣告请求书应当结合提交的所有证据,具体说明无效宣告请求的理由,并指明每项理由所依据的证据。
Article 65 Where a request for declaration of invalidation of patent rights or partial invalidation of patent rights is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 45 of the Patent Law, a letter of request for declaration of invalidation of patent rights and the requisite evidence shall be submitted in duplicate to the patent review committee. A letter of request for declaration of invalidation shall, together with all evidence submitted, provide a detailed explanation of the reasons for request for declaration of invalidation, and point out the evidence on which each reason is based.
Reasons for request for declaration of invalidation referred to in the preceding paragraph shall mean a patented invention does not comply with the provisions of Article 2, the first paragraph of Article 20, Article 22, Article 23, the third and fourth paragraphs of Article 26, the second paragraph of Article 27 or Article 33 of the Patent Law or the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 20 or the first paragraph of Article 43 of these Implementation Regulations, or the circumstances stipulated in Article 5 or Article 25 of the Patent Law, or patent rights should not be obtained pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of the Patent Law.
第六十六条 专利权无效宣告请求不符合专利法第十九条第一款或者本细则第六十五条规定的,专利复审委员会不予受理。
Article 66 Where a request for declaration of invalidation of patent rights does not comply with the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 19 of the Patent Law or Article 65 of these Implementation Regulations, the patent review committee shall not accept the request.
After the patent review committee has made a decision on a request for declaration of invalidation, where a request for declaration of invalidation is made again on the same reasons and evidence, the patent review committee shall not accept the request.Where a request for declaration of invalidation of design patent rights is made citing that the provisions of the third paragraph of Article 23 of the Patent Law are not complied with but the evidence for conflict of rights is not submitted, the patent review committee shall not accept the request.Where a letter of request for declaration of invalidation of patent rights does not comply with the stipulated format, the requesting party for declaration of invalidation shall make supplementation or correction within the period designated by the patent review committee; where the requesting party failed to make supplementation or correction within the designated period, it shall be deemed that the request for declaration of invalidation has not been submitted.
第六十七条 在专利复审委员会受理无效宣告请求后,请求人可以在提出无效宣告请求之日起1个月内增加理由或者补充证据。逾期增加理由或者补充证据的,专利复审委员会可以不予考虑。Article 67 Upon acceptance of a request for declaration of invalidation by the patent review committee, the requesting party may add reason(s) or supplement evidence within a month from the date of submission of the request for declaration of invalidation. Where the requesting party failed to add reason(s) or supplement evidence within the stipulated period, the patent review committee may ignore the request.
第六十八条 专利复审委员会应当将专利权无效宣告请求书和有关文件的副本送交专利权人,要求其在指定的期限内陈述意见。
Article 68 The patent review committee shall deliver duplicate copies of the letter of request for declaration of invalidation of patent rights and the relevant documents to the patentee and require the patentee to make representation within the designated period.
The patentee and the requesting party for declaration of invalidation shall reply to the notice on forwarding of documents or the notice on examination of request for declaration of invalidation issued by the patent review committee within the designated period; non-reply within the designated period shall have no impact on examination by the patent review committee.
第六十九条 在无效宣告请求的审查过程中,发明或者实用新型专利的专利权人可以修改其权利要求书,但是不得扩大原专利的保护范围。
Article 69 During the process of examination of the request for declaration of invalidation, the patentee of an invention or a utility model patent may amend its letter of claim, but shall not widen the scope of protection for the original patent.
The patentee of an invention or a utility model patent shall not amend the patent manual and attached drawings; the patentee of a design patent shall not amend pictures, photographs and brief description.
第七十条 专利复审委员会根据当事人的请求或者案情需要,可以决定对无效宣告请求进行口头审理。
Article 70 The patent review committee may decide to conduct an oral hearing of a request for declaration of invalidation pursuant to the request of the parties concerned or the requirements of the case.
Where the patent review committee decides to conduct an oral hearing of a request for declaration of invalidation, it shall issue a notice on oral hearing to the parties concerned to notify them of the date and venue of the oral hearing. The parties concerned shall reply within the period designated in the notice.Where a requesting party for declaration of invalidation failed to reply within the period designated in the notice on oral hearing issued by the patent review committee and does not participate in the oral hearing, it shall be deemed that the request for declaration of invalidation has been withdrawn; the patentee may be absent from the hearing if it opts not to participate in the oral hearing.
第七十一条 在无效宣告请求审查程序中,专利复审委员会指定的期限不得延长。Article 71 During the examination procedures for a request for declaration of invalidation, the period designated by the patent review committee shall not be extended.
第七十二条 专利复审委员会对无效宣告的请求作出决定前,无效宣告请求人可以撤回其请求。
Article 72 A requesting party for declaration of invalidation may withdraw its request before the patent review committee makes a decision on the request for declaration of invalidation.
Where a requesting party for declaration of invalidation withdraws its request or the request for declaration of invalidation is deemed as withdrawn before the patent review committee makes a decision on the request for declaration of invalidation, the examination procedures for the request for declaration of invalidation shall be terminated. However, where the patent review committee concludes that a decision on declaration of invalidation or partial invalidation of patent rights may be made on the basis of examination conducted, the examination procedures shall not be terminated.
第七十三条 专利法第四十八条第(一)项所称未充分实施其专利,是指专利权人及其被许可人实施其专利的方式或者规模不能满足国内对专利产品或者专利方法的需求。
Article 73 A patent has not been fully implemented referred to in Item (1) of Article 48 of the Patent Law shall mean that the method or scale of implementation of patent by the patentee and its licensee cannot satisfy the domestic needs for the patented products or patented method.
Patented drugs referred to in Article 50 of the Patent Law shall mean any patented products or products obtained directly pursuant to a patented method in the medical field required for resolving public health issues, including patented active ingredients required for manufacturing of such products and diagnostic products required for use of such products.
第七十四条 请求给予强制许可的,应当向国务院专利行政部门提交强制许可请求书,说明理由并附具有关证明文件。
Article 74 Persons requesting for mandatory licensing shall submit a written request for mandatory licensing to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, state the reasons and attach the relevant proof documents.
The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall serve the duplicate copy of the written request for mandatory licensing to the patentee; the patentee shall make representation within the period designated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council; failure to reply within the designated period shall have no impact on decision-making of the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall notify the requesting party and the patentee of the proposed decision and the reasons before making a decision on rejection of the written request for mandatory licensing or a decision on grant of mandatory licensing.A decision on grant of mandatory licensing made by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council pursuant to the provisions of Article 50 of the Patent Law shall comply with the provisions of the relevant international treaty to which China is a member or participant on grant of mandatory licensing for the purpose of resolving public health issues, except where China has reservations.
第七十五条 依照专利法第五十七条的规定,请求国务院专利行政部门裁决使用费数额的,当事人应当提出裁决请求书,并附具双方不能达成协议的证明文件。国务院专利行政部门应当自收到请求书之日起3个月内作出裁决,并通知当事人。Article 75 Where a request is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 57 of the Patent Law to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council for a ruling on the amount of royalties, the parties concerned shall submit a written request for ruling and attach documents to prove that both parties cannot reach an agreement. The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall make a ruling within three months from the date of receipt of the written request and notify the parties concerned.
第七十六条 被授予专利权的单位可以与发明人、设计人约定或者在其依法制定的规章制度中规定专利法第十六条规定的奖励、报酬的方式和数额。
Article 76 An organisation which has been granted may agree with the inventor or designer on the form and amount of rewards and remuneration stipulated in Article 16 of the Patent Law or may stipulate the form and amount of such rewards and remuneration in their rules and systems formulated pursuant to the law.
Rewards and remuneration granted to inventors or designers by enterprises and institutions shall be handled pursuant to the provisions of the State on finance and accounting system.
第七十七条 被授予专利权的单位未与发明人、设计人约定也未在其依法制定的规章制度中规定专利法第十六条规定的奖励的方式和数额的,应当自专利权公告之日起3个月内发给发明人或者设计人奖金。一项发明专利的奖金最低不少于3000元;一项实用新型专利或者外观设计专利的奖金最低不少于1000元。
Article 77 Where an organisation which has been granted has not agreed with the inventor or designer on the form and amount of rewards stipulated in Article 16 of the Patent Law or has not stipulated the form and amount of such rewards in their rules and systems formulated pursuant to the law, it shall pay bonus to the inventor or designer within three months from the date of announcement on patent rights. The bonus for an invention patent shall not be less than RMB3,000; the bonus for a utility model patent or design patent shall not be less than RMB1,000.
In the event that an invention which is adopted and completed by the employer due to recommendations by the inventor or designer, the organisation which has been granted shall pay bonus based on merit.
第七十八条 被授予专利权的单位未与发明人、设计人约定也未在其依法制定的规章制度中规定专利法第十六条规定的报酬的方式和数额的,在专利权有效期限内,实施发明创造专利后,每年应当从实施该项发明或者实用新型专利的营业利润中提取不低于2%或者从实施该项外观设计专利的营业利润中提取不低于0.2%,作为报酬给予发明人或者设计人,或者参照上述比例,给予发明人或者设计人一次性报酬;被授予专利权的单位许可其他单位或者个人实施其专利的,应当从收取的使用费中提取不低于10%,作为报酬给予发明人或者设计人。Article 78 Where an organisation which has been granted has not agreed with the inventor or designer on the form and amount of remuneration stipulated in Article 16 of the Patent Law or has not stipulated the form and amount of such remuneration in their rules and systems formulated pursuant to the law, during the validity period of the patent rights and upon implementation of an invention patent, it shall withdraw not less than 2% of the business profits from implementation of the said invention or utility model patent annually or withdraw not less than 0.2% of the business profits from implementation of the said design patent annually as remuneration for the inventor or designer, or refer to the aforesaid percentage to grant the inventor or designer a one-off remuneration; where the organisation which has been granted patent rights licenses another organisation or individual to implement its patent, it shall withdraw not less than 10% of the royalties collected as remuneration for the inventor or designer.
第七十九条 专利法和本细则所称管理专利工作的部门,是指由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府以及专利管理工作量大又有实际处理能力的设区的市人民政府设立的管理专利工作的部门。Article 79 The authorities for administration of patent matters referred to in the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations shall mean the authorities for administration of patent matters established by the People’s Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities, and municipal People’s Governments which have districts with large patent administration workload and actual handling capacity.
第八十条 国务院专利行政部门应当对管理专利工作的部门处理专利侵权纠纷、查处假冒专利行为、调解专利纠纷进行业务指导。Article 80 The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall carry out business guidance on the authorities for administration of patent matters in handling patent infringement disputes, investigation and punishment of patent counterfeiting, and mediation of patent disputes.
第八十一条 当事人请求处理专利侵权纠纷或者调解专利纠纷的,由被请求人所在地或者侵权行为地的管理专利工作的部门管辖。
Article 81 Where the parties concerned request for handling of patent infringement disputes or mediation of patent disputes, the authorities for administration of patent matters at the location of the respondent or at the place where the infringement occurs shall have jurisdiction.
Where two or more authorities for administration of patent matters have jurisdiction over a patent dispute, the parties concerned may submit their request to one of the authorities for administration of patent matters; where the parties concerned have submitted their request to two or more authorities for administration of patent matters with jurisdiction, the authorities for administration of patent matters which first accept the request shall have jurisdiction.Where the authorities for administration of patent matters have disputes over jurisdiction, the authorities for administration of patent matters of their common higher-level People’s Government shall designate jurisdiction; where there are no authorities for administration of patent matters of common higher-level People’s Government, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall designate jurisdiction.
第八十二条 在处理专利侵权纠纷过程中,被请求人提出无效宣告请求并被专利复审委员会受理的,可以请求管理专利工作的部门中止处理。
Article 82 During the process of handling patent infringement dispute, where the respondent has submitted a request for declaration of invalidation and the request for declaration of invalidation has been accepted by the patent review committee, a request for suspension of handling may be submitted to the authorities for administration of patent matters.
Where the authorities for administration of patent matters conclude that the reason for suspension submitted by the respondent is evidently groundless, the authorities for administration of patent matters may not suspend handling.
第八十三条 专利权人依照专利法第十七条的规定,在其专利产品或者该产品的包装上标明专利标识的,应当按照国务院专利行政部门规定的方式予以标明。
Article 83 A patentee who affixes a patent marking on its patented products or the packaging of such products pursuant to the provisions of Article 17 of the Patent Law shall affix the markings in accordance with the method stipulated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
Where a patent marking does not comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the authorities for administration of patent matters shall order for correction.
第八十四条 下列行为属于专利法第六十三条规定的假冒专利的行为:
Article 84 The following acts shall fall under patent counterfeiting stipulated in Article 63 of the Patent Law:
(1) Place patent marking on products or packaging thereof which are not patented, continue to place patent marking on products or packaging thereof upon declaration of invalidation or termination of patent rights, or mark other’s patent number on products or packaging thereof without licence;(2) Sale of products mentioned in Item (1);(3) Refer to technologies or designs which are not patented as patented technologies or patented designs in product manuals, etc, refer to patent applications as patents, or use other’s patent number without licence, and mislead the public into believing that the technologies or designs involved are patented technologies or patented designs;(4) Forgery or alteration of patent certificates, patent documents or patent application documents; or(5) Other acts which mislead the public into believing that a non-patented technology or design is a patented technology or design.Placing of patent marking on patented products or products obtained directly pursuant to a patented method or packaging thereof pursuant to the law before termination of patent rights, or offer to sale or sale of such products after termination of patent rights shall not be deemed as patent counterfeiting.Where a person who sells patent counterfeiting products is unaware that they are patent counterfeiting products, and is able to prove that the said products have a legitimate source, the authorities for administration of patent matters shall order the person to stop selling and may waive a fine.
第八十五条 除专利法第六十条规定的外,管理专利工作的部门应当事人请求,可以对下列专利纠纷进行调解:
Article 85 Except as stipulated in Article 60 of the Patent Law, the authorities for administration of patent matters shall conduct mediation over the following patent disputes pursuant to the request of the parties concerned:
(1) Dispute over patent application rights and ownership of patent rights;(2) Dispute over qualifications of inventor or designer;(3) Dispute over rewards and remuneration for the inventor or designer of an employee invention;(4) Dispute over use of an invention following announcement of a patent application for invention and before grant of patent rights and non-payment of appropriate fees and expenses; and(5) Any other patent disputes.In the case of a dispute listed in Item (4) of the preceding paragraph, where the parties concerned request for mediation by the authorities for administration of patent matters, the request shall be made after the patent rights are granted.
第八十六条 当事人因专利申请权或者专利权的归属发生纠纷,已请求管理专利工作的部门调解或者向人民法院起诉的,可以请求国务院专利行政部门中止有关程序。
Article 86 Where the parties concerned have requested mediation by the authorities for administration of patent matters or filed a lawsuit with a People’s Court in respect of a dispute over patent application rights or ownership of patent rights, a request for suspension of the relevant procedures may be submitted to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
The requesting party for suspension of the relevant procedures pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall submit a written request to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, and attach duplicate copies of the relevant documents accepted by the authorities for administration of patent matters or the People’s Court which state the application number or the patent number.After the written mediation of the authorities for administration of patent matters or the ruling of the People’s Court has come into effect, the parties concerned shall complete the formalities for resumption of the relevant procedures with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council. Where the case for dispute over the relevant patent application rights or ownership of patent rights cannot be closed within one year from the date of suspension of the request, and there is a need to continue suspension of the relevant procedures, the requesting party shall request for extension of suspension within the said period. Where a request for extension of suspension is not made within the stipulated period, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall voluntarily resume the relevant procedures.
第八十七条 人民法院在审理民事案件中裁定对专利申请权或者专利权采取保全措施的,国务院专利行政部门应当在收到写明申请号或者专利号的裁定书和协助执行通知书之日中止被保全的专利申请权或者专利权的有关程序。保全期限届满,人民法院没有裁定继续采取保全措施的,国务院专利行政部门自行恢复有关程序。Article 87 Where a People’s Court rules that preservation measures be adopted for patent application rights or patent rights in the trial of a civil lawsuit, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall suspend the relevant procedures for the preserved patent application rights or patent rights with effect from the date of receipt of the ruling which states the application number or patent number and the notice on assistance in enforcement. Upon expiry of the preservation period, where the People’s Court does not rule that the preservation measures be continued to adopt, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall voluntarily resume the relevant procedures.
第八十八条 国务院专利行政部门根据本细则第八十六条和第八十七条规定中止有关程序,是指暂停专利申请的初步审查、实质审查、复审程序,授予专利权程序和专利权无效宣告程序;暂停办理放弃、变更、转移专利权或者专利申请权手续,专利权质押手续以及专利权期限届满前的终止手续等。Article 88 Suspension of the relevant procedures by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council pursuant to the provisions of Article 86 and Article 87 of these Implementation Regulations shall mean suspension of preliminary examination, substantive examination or review procedures of a patent application, the procedures for grant of patent rights and the procedures for declaration of invalidation of patent rights; suspension of completion of formalities for forfeiture, variation or transfer of patent rights or patent application rights, patent rights pledge formalities and termination formalities before expiry of patent rights, etc.
第八十九条 国务院专利行政部门设置专利登记簿,登记下列与专利申请和专利权有关的事项:
Article 89 The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall keep a register of patents and record the following matters in relation to patent applications and patent rights:
(1) Grant of patent rights;(2) Transfer of patent application rights or patent rights;(3) Pledge, preservation and lifting of preservation of patent rights;(4) Filing of licensing contract for patent implementation;(5) Declaration of invalidation of patent rights;(6) Termination of patent rights;(7) Reinstatement of patent rights;(8) Mandatory licensing for patent implementation; and(9) Change of name, nationality or address of the patentee.
第九十条 国务院专利行政部门定期出版专利公报,公布或者公告下列内容:
Article 90 The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall publish patent gazettes on a regular basis to announce the following contents:
(1) Bibliographic data and synopsis of the manual of a patent application for invention;(2) Request for substantive examination of a patent application for invention and decision of the patent administrative authorities of the State Council to conduct substantive examination of a patent application for invention;(3) Rejection, withdrawl, deemed as withdrawl, deemed as forfeiture, reinstatement and transfer following public announcement of a patent application for invention;(4) Grant of patent rights and bibliographic data of patent rights;(5) Synopsis of the manual of an invention patent or a utility model patent, a picture or photograph of the design patent;(6) Decryption of national defence patent and confidential patent;(7) Declaration of invalidation of patent rights;(8) Termination or reinstatement of patent rights;(9) Transfer of patent rights;(10) Filing of licensing contract for patent implementation;(11) Pledge, preservation and lifting of preservation of patent rights;(12) Grant of mandatory licensing for patent implementation;(13) Change of name or address of the patentee;(14) Service of public announcement of documents;(15) Correction made by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council; and(16) Any other relevant matters.
第九十一条 国务院专利行政部门应当提供专利公报、发明专利申请单行本以及发明专利、实用新型专利、外观设计专利单行本,供公众免费查阅。Article 91 The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall make the patent gazette, monograph for patent applications for invention and monograph for invention patents, utility model patents and design patents available for public inspection free of charge.
第九十二条 国务院专利行政部门负责按照互惠原则与其他国家、地区的专利机关或者区域性专利组织交换专利文献。Article 92 The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall be responsible for exchange of patent literature with the patent authorities of other countries and regions or regional patent organisations pursuant to the principle of reciprocity.
第九十三条 向国务院专利行政部门申请专利和办理其他手续时,应当缴纳下列费用:
Article 93 The following fees shall be paid at the time of submission of patent applications to and completing other formalities with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council:
(1) Application fee, application fee surcharge, notice printing fee, request fee for priority rights;(2) Substantive examination fee for patent application for invention, review fee;(3) Patent registration fee, public announcement printing fee, annual fee;(4) Request fee for reinstatement of patent, request fee for extension of period; and(5) Bibliographic data amendment fee, request fee for patent rights evaluation report, request fee for declaration of invalidation.The fee rates for payment of various expenses listed in the preceding paragraph shall be stipulated by the pricing administrative authorities and finance authorities of the State Council jointly with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
第九十四条 专利法和本细则规定的各种费用,可以直接向国务院专利行政部门缴纳,也可以通过邮局或者银行汇付,或者以国务院专利行政部门规定的其他方式缴纳。
Article 94 Various expenses stipulated in the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations may be paid directly to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, or paid by remittance through a post office or bank, or paid in any other form stipulated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
Where payment is remitted through a post office or bank, the remittance slip delivered to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall state the correct application number or patent number and description of the expenses paid. Where the provisions of this paragraph are not complied with, it shall be deemed that payment formalities have not been completed.Where payment of expenses is made directly to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, the day on which payment is made shall be the date of payment; where payment of expenses is remitted through a post office, the postmark date of the remittance by the post office shall be the date of payment; where payment of expenses is remitted through a bank, the actual date of remittance by the bank shall be the date of payment.In the event of excess payment, duplicate payment and wrong payment of patent fees, the parties concerned may submit a refund request to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council within three years from the date of payment; the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall refund.
第九十五条 申请人应当自申请日起2个月内或者在收到受理通知书之日起15日内缴纳申请费、公布印刷费和必要的申请附加费;期满未缴纳或者未缴足的,其申请视为撤回。
Article 95 An applicant shall pay application fee, notice printing fee and the requisite application fee surcharge within two months from the date of application or within 15 days from the date of receipt of the notice of acceptance of application; where the applicant failed to make payment or failed to make full payment within the stipulated period, the application shall be deemed as withdrawn.
An applicant requesting for priority rights shall pay request fee for priority rights at the time of payment of application fee; where the applicant failed to make payment or failed to make full payment within the stipulated period, it shall be deemed that the applicant has not requested for priority rights.
第九十六条 当事人请求实质审查或者复审的,应当在专利法及本细则规定的相关期限内缴纳费用;期满未缴纳或者未缴足的,视为未提出请求。Article 96 Where the parties concerned request for substantive examination or review, fee payment shall be made within the relevant period stipulated in the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations; where the parties concerned failed to make payment or failed to make full payment within the stipulated period, it shall be deemed that the request has not been made.
第九十七条 申请人办理登记手续时,应当缴纳专利登记费、公告印刷费和授予专利权当年的年费;期满未缴纳或者未缴足的,视为未办理登记手续。Article 97 An applicant shall pay the patent registration fee, public announcement printing fee and annual fee for the year in which the patent rights are granted when completing registration formalities; where the applicant failed to make payment or failed to make full payment within the stipulated period, it shall be deemed that the registration formalities have not been completed.
第九十八条 授予专利权当年以后的年费应当在上一年度期满前缴纳。专利权人未缴纳或者未缴足的,国务院专利行政部门应当通知专利权人自应当缴纳年费期满之日起6个月内补缴,同时缴纳滞纳金;滞纳金的金额按照每超过规定的缴费时间1个月,加收当年全额年费的5%计算;期满未缴纳的,专利权自应当缴纳年费期满之日起终止。Article 98 Annual fee in years following the year in which the patent rights are granted shall be paid before expiry of the deadline in the preceding year. Where the patentee failed to make payment or failed to make full payment, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall notify the patentee to make payment retrospectively within six months from the date of expiry of the deadline for payment of annual fee, and pay late payment fine simultaneously; the amount of late payment fine shall be computed based on 5% of the total amount of annual fee of the year for each month exceeding the stipulated time for payment; where the patentee failed to make payment within the stipulated period, the patent rights shall terminate on the deadline for payment of annual fee.
第九十九条 恢复权利请求费应当在本细则规定的相关期限内缴纳;期满未缴纳或者未缴足的,视为未提出请求。
Article 99 The request fee for reinstatement of patent shall be paid within the relevant period stipulated in these Implementation Regulations; where the request fee for reinstatement of patent is not paid or not fully paid within the stipulated period, it shall be deemed that the request has not been made.
The request fee for extension of period shall be paid before expiry of the corresponding period; where the request fee for extension of period is not paid or not fully paid within the stipulated period, it shall be deemed that the request has not been made.The bibliographic data amendment fee, request fee for patent rights evaluation report or request fee for declaration of invalidation shall be paid within one month from the date of submission of the request; where the bibliographic data amendment fee, request fee for patent rights evaluation report or request fee for declaration of invalidation is not paid or not fully paid within the stipulated period, it shall be deemed that the request has not been made.
第一百条 申请人或者专利权人缴纳本细则规定的各种费用有困难的,可以按照规定向国务院专利行政部门提出减缴或者缓缴的请求。减缴或者缓缴的办法由国务院财政部门会同国务院价格管理部门、国务院专利行政部门规定。Article 100 Where the applicant or the patentee has difficulty in paying various fees stipulated in these Implementation Regulations, it may submit a request for reduced payment or deferred payment to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council pursuant to the provisions. The measures on reduced payment or deferred payment shall be stipulated by the finance authorities of the State Council jointly with the pricing administrative authorities of the State Council and the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
第一百零一条 国务院专利行政部门根据专利法第二十条规定,受理按照专利合作条约提出的专利国际申请。
Article 101 The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall accept, pursuant to the provisions of Article 20 of the Patent Law, international patent applications submitted pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the criteria and procedures for international patent applications which are submitted pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty and designate China (hereinafter referred to as the “international application”) and enter into the processing phase of the patent administrative authorities of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as “entering the Chinese national phase”); where there are no provisions in this Chapter, the relevant provisions of other chapters of the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations shall apply.
第一百零二条 按照专利合作条约已确定国际申请日并指定中国的国际申请,视为向国务院专利行政部门提出的专利申请,该国际申请日视为专利法第二十八条所称的申请日。Article 102 International applications for which the date of international application has been determined pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty and which designate China shall be deemed as patent applications submitted to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, and the date of international application shall be deemed as the date of application referred to in Article 28 of the Patent Law.
第一百零三条 国际申请的申请人应当在专利合作条约第二条所称的优先权日(本章简称优先权日)起30个月内,向国务院专利行政部门办理进入中国国家阶段的手续;申请人未在该期限内办理该手续的,在缴纳宽限费后,可以在自优先权日起32个月内办理进入中国国家阶段的手续。Article 103 The applicant of an international application shall complete the formalities for entry into the Chinese national phase with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council within 30 months from the date of priority referred to in Article 2 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (referred to in this Chapter as the “date of priority”); where the applicant failed to complete the formalities within the stipulated period, upon payment of the extension fee, the applicant may complete the formalities for entry into the Chinese national phase within 32 months from the date of priority.
第一百零四条 申请人依照本细则第一百零三条的规定办理进入中国国家阶段的手续的,应当符合下列要求:
Article 104 An applicant completing the formalities for entry into the Chinese national phase pursuant to the provisions of Article 103 of these Implementation Regulations shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) Where the written declaration for entry into the Chinese national phase is written in Chinese, the international application number and the type of patent rights requested shall be stated;(2) Payment of the application fee and notice printing fee stipulated in the first paragraph of Article 93 of these Implementation Regulations, payment of the extension fee stipulated in Article 103 of these Implementation Regulations where necessary;(3) Where the international application is written in a foreign language, the Chinese translation of the manual and letter of claim of the original international application shall be submitted;(4) The name of invention, name and address of the applicant, address and name of the inventor shall be stated in the written declaration for entry into the Chinese national phase; the aforesaid contents shall be consistent with the records of the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (hereinafter referred to as the “International Bureau”); where the name of the inventor is not stated in the international application, the name of the inventor shall be stated in the aforesaid declaration;(5) Where the international application is written in a foreign language, the Chinese translation of the synopsis shall be submitted; where there are attached drawings and attached drawings in the synopsis, duplicate copies of the attached drawings and attached drawings in the synopsis shall be submitted; where there are text in the attached drawings, the text shall be translated into Chinese; where the international application is written in Chinese, duplicate copies of the synopsis of international announcement documents and attached drawings in the synopsis shall be submitted;(6) Where the formalities for change of applicant have been completed with the International Bureau in the international phase, proof materials that the new applicant enjoys the application rights shall be provided; and(7) Payment of application fee surcharge stipulated in the first paragraph of Article 93 of these Implementation Regulations where necessary.Where an application satisfies the requirements stipulated in Item (1) to Item (3) of the first paragraph of this Article, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall issue an application number, specify the date of the international application entering into the Chinese national phase (hereinafter referred to as the “date of entry”), and notify the applicant that its international application has entered into the Chinese national phase.Where an international application has entered into the Chinese national phase, but does not satisfy the requirements stipulated in Item (4) to Item (7) of the first paragraph of this Article, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall notify the applicant to make supplementation or correction within the designated period; where the applicant failed to make supplementation or correction within the designated period, its application shall be deemed as withdrawn.
第一百零五条 国际申请有下列情形之一的,其在中国的效力终止:
Article 105 Under any of the following circumstances, the validity of an international application in China shall expire:
(1) The international application is withdrawn or deemed as withdrawn in the international phase or the designation of China in the international application is withdrawn;(2) The applicant failed to complete the formalities for entry into the Chinese national phase pursuant to the provisions of Article 103 of these Implementation Regulations within 32 months from the date of priority; or(3) The applicant has completed the formalities for entry into the Chinese national phase, but the application does not satisfy the requirements stipulated in Item (1) to Item (3) of Article 104 of these Implementation Regulations upon expiry of the 32-month period from the date of priority.Where the validity of an international application in China has expired pursuant to the provisions of Item (1) of the preceding paragraph, the provisions of Article 6 of these Implementation Regulations shall not apply; where the validity of an international application in China has expired pursuant to the provisions of Item (2) or Item (3) of the preceding paragraph, the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 6 of these Implementation Regulations shall not apply.
第一百零六条 国际申请在国际阶段作过修改,申请人要求以经修改的申请文件为基础进行审查的,应当自进入日起2个月内提交修改部分的中文译文。在该期间内未提交中文译文的,对申请人在国际阶段提出的修改,国务院专利行政部门不予考虑。Article 106 Where an international application is amended in the international phase, and the applicant requests that examination be carried out based on the amended application documents, the Chinese translation of the amendments shall be submitted within two months from the date of entry. Where the Chinese translation is not submitted within the stipulated period, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall not consider the amendments made by the applicant in the international phase.
第一百零七条 国际申请涉及的发明创造有专利法第二十四条第(一)项或者第(二)项所列情形之一,在提出国际申请时作过声明的,申请人应当在进入中国国家阶段的书面声明中予以说明,并自进入日起2个月内提交本细则第三十条第三款规定的有关证明文件;未予说明或者期满未提交证明文件的,其申请不适用专利法第二十四条的规定。Article 107 Where the invention involved in an international application falls under any of the descriptions listed in Item (1) or Item (2) of Article 24 of the Patent Law, and a declaration is made at the time of submission of an international application, the applicant shall state so in the written declaration for entry into the Chinese national phase, and submit the relevant proof documents stipulated in the third paragraph of Article 30 of these Implementation Regulations within two months from the date of entry; where a statement is not made or the proof documents are not submitted within the stipulated period, the provisions of Article 24 of the Patent Law shall not apply to the application.
第一百零八条 申请人按照专利合作条约的规定,对生物材料样品的保藏已作出说明的,视为已经满足了本细则第二十四条第(三)项的要求。申请人应当在进入中国国家阶段声明中指明记载生物材料样品保藏事项的文件以及在该文件中的具体记载位置。
Article 108 Where an applicant has provided an explanation on preservation of samples of the biomaterial pursuant to the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, it shall be deemed that the requirements in Item (3) of Article 24 of these Implementation Regulations have been satisfied. The applicant shall state the documents which record preservation of samples of the biomaterial and the specific location of the record in such documents in the declaration for entry into the Chinese national phase.
Where an applicant has recorded preservation of samples of the biomaterial in the manual of the originally submitted international application, but has not stated so in the declaration for entry into the Chinese national phase, the applicant shall make supplementation or correction within four months from the date of entry. Where the applicant failed to make supplementation or correction within the stipulated period, it shall be deemed that the said biomaterial has not been submitted for preservation.Where an applicant has submitted proof of preservation of samples of the biomaterial and proof of survival to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council within four months from the date of entry, it shall be deemed that the applicant has submitted the proof within the period stipulated in Item (1) of Article 24 of these Implementation Regulations.
第一百零九条 国际申请涉及的发明创造依赖遗传资源完成的,申请人应当在国际申请进入中国国家阶段的书面声明中予以说明,并填写国务院专利行政部门制定的表格。Article 109 Where the invention involved in an international application is completed on reliance of genetic resources, the applicant shall state so in the written declaration for entry of the international application into the Chinese national phase, and fill in forms formulated by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.
第一百一十条 申请人在国际阶段已要求一项或者多项优先权,在进入中国国家阶段时该优先权要求继续有效的,视为已经依照专利法第三十条的规定提出了书面声明。
Article 110 Where an applicant has requested for one or more items of priority rights in the international phase, and the request for such priority rights remains valid at the time of entry into the Chinese national phase, it shall be deemed that a written declaration has been made pursuant to the provisions of Article 30 of the Patent Law.
An applicant shall pay request fee for priority rights within two months from the date of entry; where the applicant failed to make payment or failed to make full payment within the stipulated period, it shall be deemed that the applicant has not requested for such priority rights.Where an applicant has submitted duplicate copies of the priority application documents in the international phase pursuant to the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, there is no need to submit duplicate copies of the priority application documents to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council when completing the formalities for entry into the Chinese national phase. Where an applicant has not submitted duplicate copies of the priority application documents in the international phase, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council may, where it is deemed necessary, notify the applicant to submit the duplicate copies retrospectively within the designated period; where the applicant failed to submit the duplicate copies retrospectively within the designated period, it shall be deemed that the applicant has not requested for the priority rights.
第一百一十一条 在优先权日起30个月期满前要求国务院专利行政部门提前处理和审查国际申请的,申请人除应当办理进入中国国家阶段手续外,还应当依照专利合作条约第二十三条第二款规定提出请求。国际局尚未向国务院专利行政部门传送国际申请的,申请人应当提交经确认的国际申请副本。Article 111 Where an applicant requests, before expiry of the 30-month period from the date of priority, that the patent administrative authorities of the State Council process and examine an international application in advance, the applicant shall, in addition to completing the formalities for entry into the Chinese national phase, submit a request pursuant to the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 23 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Where the International Bureau has not forwarded the international application to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, the applicant shall submit certified duplicate copies of the international application.
第一百一十二条 要求获得实用新型专利权的国际申请,申请人可以自进入日起2个月内对专利申请文件主动提出修改。
Article 112 In the case of an international application requesting for obtaining utility model patent rights, the applicant may voluntarily make amendments to the patent application documents within two months from the date of entry.
In the case of an international application requesting for obtaining invention patent rights, the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 51 of these Implementation Regulations shall apply.
第一百一十三条 申请人发现提交的说明书、权利要求书或者附图中的文字的中文译文存在错误的,可以在下列规定期限内依照原始国际申请文本提出改正:
Article 113 An applicant may apply to make correction for an error discovered in the Chinese translation of the text of the submitted manual, letter of claim or attached drawing within the following stipulated period based on the text of the original international application:
(1) Before completion of preparatory work for announcement of the patent application for invention or announcement of utility model patent rights by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council; and(2) Within three months from the date of receipt of the notice on the patent application for invention entering the substantive examination phase issued by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.An applicant applying to make correction for a translation error shall submit a written request and pay the stipulated fee for correction of translation.Where an applicant makes correction for the translation pursuant to the requirements of the notice from the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, the formalities stipulated in the second paragraph of this Article shall be completed within the designated period; where the stipulated formalities are not completed within the designated period, the application shall be deemed as withdrawn.
第一百一十四条 对要求获得发明专利权的国际申请,国务院专利行政部门经初步审查认为符合专利法和本细则有关规定的,应当在专利公报上予以公布;国际申请以中文以外的文字提出的,应当公布申请文件的中文译文。
Article 114 In the case of an international application requesting for obtaining invention patent rights, where the patent administrative authorities of the State Council conclude upon preliminary examination that the relevant provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations are complied with, an announcement shall be made on the patent gazette; where the international application is made in a language other than Chinese, the Chinese translation of the application documents shall be announced.
In the case of an international application requesting for obtaining invention patent rights for which the International Bureau has made an international announcement in Chinese, the provisions of Article 13 of the Patent Law shall apply with effect from the date of international announcement; where the International Bureau has made an international announcement in a language other than Chinese, the provisions of Article 13 of the Patent Law shall apply with effect from the date of announcement by the patent administrative authorities of the State Council.For international applications, announcement referred to in Article 21 and Article 22 of the Patent Law shall mean announcement stipulated in the first paragraph of this Article.
第一百一十五条 国际申请包含两项以上发明或者实用新型的,申请人可以自进入日起,依照本细则第四十二条第一款的规定提出分案申请。
Article 115 Where an international application comprises two or more inventions or utility models, the applicant may make an application for case assignment with effect from the date of entry pursuant to the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 42 of these Implementation Regulations.
Where the international search organisation or international preliminary examination organisation concludes in the international phase that an international application does not comply with the uniformity requirement stipulated in the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and the applicant has not paid the surcharge pursuant to the provisions and as a result thereof, certain parts of the international application have not been subject to international search or international preliminary examination, at the time of entry into the Chinese national phase, the applicant requests that the said parts be taken as the examination basis, and the patent administrative authorities of the State Council conclude that the judgment of the international search organisation or international preliminary examination organisation pertaining to uniformity of the invention is correct, the applicant shall be notified to make payment for uniformity reinstatement fee within a designated period. Where the applicant failed to make payment or failed to make full payment within the designated period, the parts in the international application which have not undergone search or international preliminary examination shall be deemed as withdrawn.
第一百一十六条 国际申请在国际阶段被有关国际单位拒绝给予国际申请日或者宣布视为撤回的,申请人在收到通知之日起2个月内,可以请求国际局将国际申请档案中任何文件的副本转交国务院专利行政部门,并在该期限内向国务院专利行政部门办理本细则第一百零三条规定的手续,国务院专利行政部门应当在接到国际局传送的文件后,对国际单位作出的决定是否正确进行复查。Article 116 Where the relevant international organisation refuses to grant a date of international application or announce that the international application is deemed as withdrawn in the international phase, the applicant may request that the International Bureau forwards duplicate copies of any document in the international application file to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council within two months from the date of receipt of the notice, and complete the formalities stipulated in Article 103 of these Implementation Regulations with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council within the said period; upon receipt of the documents forwarded by the International Bureau, the patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall review whether the decision made by the international organisation is correct.
第一百一十七条 基于国际申请授予的专利权,由于译文错误,致使依照专利法第五十九条规定确定的保护范围超出国际申请的原文所表达的范围的,以依据原文限制后的保护范围为准;致使保护范围小于国际申请的原文所表达的范围的,以授权时的保护范围为准。Article 117 Where an error in translation causes the scope of protection determined pursuant to the provisions of Article 59 of the Patent Law for patent rights granted to an international application to exceed the scope expressed in the original text of the international application, the scope of protection restricted pursuant to the original text shall prevail; where the error in translation causes the scope of protection to be smaller than the scope expressed in the original text of the international application, the scope of protection at the time of grant of rights shall prevail.
第一百一十八条 经国务院专利行政部门同意,任何人均可以查阅或者复制已经公布或者公告的专利申请的案卷和专利登记簿,并可以请求国务院专利行政部门出具专利登记簿副本。
Article 118 Upon consent of the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, any person may inspect or make copies of files of announced or publicised patent applications and the register of patents, and may request that the patent administrative authorities of the State Council issue a duplicate copy of the register of patents.
Files of patent applications which are deemed as withdrawn, rejected and voluntarily withdrawn shall not be retained after two years from the date of expiry of the said patent application.Files of forfeited, invalidated and terminated patent rights shall not be retained after three years from the date of expiry of the said patent rights.
第一百一十九条 向国务院专利行政部门提交申请文件或者办理各种手续,应当由申请人、专利权人、其他利害关系人或者其代表人签字或者盖章;委托专利代理机构的,由专利代理机构盖章。
Article 119 For submission of application documents to or completion of various formalities with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, the applicant, the patentee, any other stakeholder or its representative shall sign or affix seal; where a patent agency is entrusted, the patent agency shall affix seal.
In the case of a request for change of name of the inventor, name, nationality or address of the patent applicant or the patentee, name or address of the patent agency, or name of the agent, the formalities for change of bibliographic data shall be completed with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, and proof materials for the reason of change shall be attached.
第一百二十条 向国务院专利行政部门邮寄有关申请或者专利权的文件,应当使用挂号信函,不得使用包裹。
Article 120 Registered mail shall be used for mailing of documents relating to applications or patent rights to the patent administrative authorities of the State Council; parcels shall not be used.
Except for first-time submission of patent application documents, for all documents submitted to or all formalities completed with the patent administrative authorities of the State Council, the application number or patent number, name of the invention and name of the applicant or the patentee shall be stated.Each envelope shall only include documents for the same application.
第一百二十一条 各类申请文件应当打字或者印刷,字迹呈黑色,整齐清晰,并不得涂改。附图应当用制图工具和黑色墨水绘制,线条应当均匀清晰,并不得涂改。
Article 121 All application documents shall be typed or printed in black ink, be neat and clear, and shall not be altered. Attached drawings shall be drafted using mapping tools and black ink, the lines shall be clear and uniform, and shall not be altered.
Letters of request, manuals, letters of claim, attached drawings and synopses shall be numbered sequentially in Arabic number format.The text of application documents shall be written in horizontal format. The pages shall be single-sided.
第一百二十二条 国务院专利行政部门根据专利法和本细则制定专利审查指南。Article 122 The patent administrative authorities of the State Council shall formulate a patent examination guide pursuant to the Patent Law and these Implementation Regulations.
第一百二十三条 本细则自2001年7月1日起施行。1992年12月12日国务院批准修订、1992年12月21日中国专利局发布的《中华人民共和国专利法实施细则》同时废止。Article 123 These Implementation Regulations shall be effective 1 July 2001. The Implementation Regulations for the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China approved and revised by the State Council on 12 December 1992 and promulgated by the Patent Bureau of China on 21 December 1992 shall be repealed simultaneously.