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      Chinese Trademark Application Costs 2025 Version

      Trademark registration in China involves both official fees and attorney fees. Understanding these costs is crucial for effective budget planning.

      Official Fees

      The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) has set the following official fees (Currency: CNY. Click here to check the currency rates):

      ServicePaper Filing
      (per class)
      Electronic Filing
      (per class)
      (including search, examination, and registration)
      300 (plus CNY 30 for each additional good over 10)270 (plus CNY 27 for each additional good over 10)
      Re-issuing Certificate500450
      Assignment Registration500450
      (every 10 years)
      Late Renewal
      (within 6 months after expiration)
      (e.g., rejection, opposition, invalidation)
      Name/Address Change Registration1500
      (within 3-month publication period)
      (for 3-year non-use)
      License Registration150135

      Note: The above fees are sourced from CNIPA’s official website.

      Click here to download the fee schedule.

      Attorney Fees

      Engaging a Chinese trademark agent typically incurs attorney fees ranging from CNY 1,000 to CNY 3,000 per class, depending on the agency’s expertise and services offered.

      Payment Methods

      If you have appointed an agent, all official fees should be paid through them.


      • Application Fees: Must be paid within 7 days of receiving the payment notice from CNIPA.
      • Renewal Fees: Trademarks are valid for 10 years. Renewal fees should be paid within 12 months before expiration. If missed, a grace period of 6 months is available with additional late fees of CNY 250.

      Refund Policy

      Once fees are paid as per the payment notice, CNIPA generally does not offer refunds.

      Cost-Saving Tips

      • Strategic Class Selection: Identify necessary and potential products or services you need, to avoid wasting money on unnecessary classes and being squatted by others.
      • Preliminary Trademark Search: Employ a reputable agency to conduct searches to prevent rejections due to existing trademarks.
      • Timely Renewals: Renew within the specified period to avoid additional late fees.

      International Fee Comparison

      China’s trademark application fees are relatively economical compared to other jurisdictions:

      • United States: Starting at US$350 per class.
      • European Union: Starting at EUR 850 per class.
      • China: CNY 300 per class, offering VERY cost-effective access to a market of over 1.4 billion people inside a second-largest economy.

      Further Information

      Read more about Patent Fees Schedule in China 2024

      Read more about the fee schedule of the Madrid international application from China.

      If you have further questions about trademark fees, feel free to contact us at contact@gbaiplawyer.com.
