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      中华人民共和国专利法(1984年3月12日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议通过 根据1992年9月4日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十七次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2000年8月25日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2008年12月27日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第三次修正 根据2020年10月17日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十二次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第四次修正)Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China (Revised in 2020)(Adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People’s Congress on 12 March 1984, amended for the first time pursuant to the Decision on Revising the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China adopted at the 27th Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People’s Congress on 4 September 1992, amended for the second time pursuant to the Decision on Revising the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China adopted at the 17th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress on 25 August 2000, amended for the third time pursuant to the Decision on Revising the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China adopted at the 6th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People’s Congress on 27 December 2008, and amended for the fourth time pursuant to the Decision on Revising the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China adopted at the 22nd Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress on 17 October 2020)
      第一章 总 则Chapter I General Provisions
      第一条 为了保护专利权人的合法权益,鼓励发明创造,推动发明创造的应用,提高创新能力,促进科学技术进步和经济社会发展,制定本法。Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purposes of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of patentees, encouraging invention-creations, promoting application of invention-creations, raising innovation ability and driving scientific and technological advancements and economic and social development.
      第二条 本法所称的发明创造是指发明、实用新型和外观设计。
      Article 2 An invention-creation referred to in this Law shall mean an invention, utility model or design. An invention shall mean a new technical scheme proposed for a product, a process or the improvement thereof.
      A utility model shall mean an applicable and practical new technical scheme proposed for the shape or structure of a product or a combination thereof.A design shall mean a new design of the whole or partial shape or pattern of a product or a combination thereof as well as a combination of color with shape or pattern, which creates an aesthetic feeling and is fit for industrial application.
      第三条 国务院专利行政部门负责管理全国的专利工作;统一受理和审查专利申请,依法授予专利权。
      Article 3 The patent administrative department under the State Council shall be responsible for administration of patent matters nationwide, accept and examine patent applications on a unified basis and grant patent rights pursuant to the law. The patent administrative departments of the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for patent administration matters within their respective administrative regions.
      第四条 申请专利的发明创造涉及国家安全或者重大利益需要保密的,按照国家有关规定办理。Article 4 Where the invention-creation in a patent application involves national security or significant interests and is required to be kept confidential, the matter shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the State.
      第五条 对违反法律、社会公德或者妨害公共利益的发明创造,不授予专利权。
      Article 5 For invention-creations which violate the laws and social ethics or harm public interest, patent rights shall not be granted. For invention-creations which are completed by reliance on genetic resources obtained or used in violation of the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, patent rights shall not be granted.
      第六条 执行本单位的任务或者主要是利用本单位的物质技术条件所完成的发明创造为职务发明创造。职务发明创造申请专利的权利属于该单位,申请被批准后,该单位为专利权人。该单位可以依法处置其职务发明创造申请专利的权利和专利权,促进相关发明创造的实施和运用。
      Article 6 An invention-creation, made by a person in performance of the tasks of his employer, or made by him mainly by using the material and technical means of his employer is a service invention-creation. For a service invention-creation, the right to apply for a patent belongs to the employer. After the application is approved, the employer shall be the patentee. The employer may, in accordance with the law, dispose of its right to apply for a patent and the patent right for a service invention-creation and promote the implementation and application of the relevant invention-creation. The inventor or designer shall have the rights to apply for patent for a non-service invention-creation; upon approval of the application, the inventor or designer shall be the patentee.
      Where the employer and the inventor or designer have entered into a contract for an invention-creation completed using the material and technical conditions of the employer which stipulates the ownership of the right to apply for patent and of patent right, such agreement shall prevail.
      第七条 对发明人或者设计人的非职务发明创造专利申请,任何单位或者个人不得压制。Article 7 No organisation or individual may inhibit a patent application by the inventor or designer for a non-service invention-creation.
      第八条 两个以上单位或者个人合作完成的发明创造、一个单位或者个人接受其他单位或者个人委托所完成的发明创造,除另有协议的以外,申请专利的权利属于完成或者共同完成的单位或者个人;申请被批准后,申请的单位或者个人为专利权人。Article 8 In the event that two or more organisations or individuals cooperate in the completion of an invention-creation or an organisation or individual has been entrusted by another organisation or individual to complete an invention-creation, unless otherwise agreed, the organisation(s) or individual(s) that has/have completed or jointly completed the invention-creation shall have the right to apply for patent for the invention-creation; upon approval of the application, the organisation or individual that has filed the application shall be the patentee.
      第九条 同样的发明创造只能授予一项专利权。但是,同一申请人同日对同样的发明创造既申请实用新型专利又申请发明专利,先获得的实用新型专利权尚未终止,且申请人声明放弃该实用新型专利权的,可以授予发明专利权。
      Article 9 Only one patent right shall be granted for the same invention-creation. However, where the same applicant also applies for patent for utility model for the same invention-creation on the same day as the application for patent for the invention, and the patent rights for utility model granted first have not been terminated yet and the applicant declares that it/he waives such patent rights for utility model, the patent rights for the invention may be granted. Where two or more applicants have made their respective application for patent for the same invention-creation, the patent rights shall be granted to the applicant who has filed first.
      第十条 专利申请权和专利权可以转让。
      Article 10 The rights to apply for patent and patent rights may be transferred. A Chinese organisation or individual proposing to transfer the rights to apply for patent or transfer patent rights to a foreigner, foreign enterprise or any other foreign organisation shall process the formalities pursuant to the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations.
      The parties concerned shall enter into a contract in writing for transfer of the rights to apply for patent or transfer of patent rights, and go through registration formalities with the patent administrative department under the State Council, and the patent administrative department under the State Council shall make a public announcement. The transfer of the rights to apply for patent or transfer of patent rights shall be effective from the date of registration.
      第十一条 发明和实用新型专利权被授予后,除本法另有规定的以外,任何单位或者个人未经专利权人许可,都不得实施其专利,即不得为生产经营目的制造、使用、许诺销售、销售、进口其专利产品,或者使用其专利方法以及使用、许诺销售、销售、进口依照该专利方法直接获得的产品。
      Article 11 Following the grant of patent rights for an invention or a utility model, unless otherwise stipulated in this Law, no organisation or individual shall implement the patent without licensing from the patentee, i.e. shall not manufacture, use, offer to sell, sell or import such patented products for manufacturing and business purposes, or use the patented method and use, offer to sell, sell or import products obtained directly according to the patented method. Following the grant of design patent rights, no organisation or individual shall implement the patent without licensing from the patentee, i.e. shall not manufacture, offer to sell, sell or import the design patented products for manufacturing and business purposes.
      第十二条 任何单位或者个人实施他人专利的,应当与专利权人订立实施许可合同,向专利权人支付专利使用费。被许可人无权允许合同规定以外的任何单位或者个人实施该专利。Article 12 Any organisation or individual proposing to implement the patent of others shall enter into a licensing contract with the patentee for implementation and pay royalties to the patentee. A licensee shall have no right to allow any organisation or individual that is not stipulated in the contract to implement such patent.
      第十三条 发明专利申请公布后,申请人可以要求实施其发明的单位或者个人支付适当的费用。Article 13 Upon announcement of a patent application for invention, an applicant may request the organisation or individual that implements the invention to pay the appropriate expenses.
      第十四条 专利申请权或者专利权的共有人对权利的行使有约定的,从其约定。没有约定的,共有人可以单独实施或者以普通许可方式许可他人实施该专利;许可他人实施该专利的,收取的使用费应当在共有人之间分配。
      Article 14 Where the co-owners of rights to apply for patent or of patent rights have an agreement in exercising rights, such agreement shall prevail. Where there is no agreement, the co-owners may implement the patent solely or license others to implement the patent through a general licensing method; where others are licensed to implement the patent, the royalties collected shall be distributed among the co-owners. Except for the circumstances stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the exercise of co-owned rights to apply for patent or co-owned patent rights shall be consented by all the co-owners.
      第十五条 被授予专利权的单位应当对职务发明创造的发明人或者设计人给予奖励;发明创造专利实施后,根据其推广应用的范围和取得的经济效益,对发明人或者设计人给予合理的报酬。
      Article 15 The organisation which has been granted patent rights shall reward the inventor or designer of a service invention-creation; upon implementation of the patent for the invention-creation, the inventor or designer shall be given reasonable remuneration according to the scope of promoted applications and economic benefits received. The State encourages organisations to which the patent rights are granted to implement property right incentives to enable the inventors or designers to reasonably share the benefits from innovation by means of equity, options, dividends, etc.
      第十六条 发明人或者设计人有权在专利文件中写明自己是发明人或者设计人。
      Article 16 An inventor or a designer shall have the right to state that he/she is the inventor or designer in the patent documents. A patentee shall have the right to affix patent marking on the patented products or the packaging of such products.
      第十七条 在中国没有经常居所或者营业所的外国人、外国企业或者外国其他组织在中国申请专利的,依照其所属国同中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约,或者依照互惠原则,根据本法办理。Article 17 Where a foreigner, foreign enterprise or any other foreign organisation that does not have a habitual residence or place of business in China files a patent application in China, the application shall be processed in accordance with the agreement entered into between the home country and China or an international treaty participated by both the home country and China or under the reciprocity principle, and pursuant to this Law.
      第十八条 在中国没有经常居所或者营业所的外国人、外国企业或者外国其他组织在中国申请专利和办理其他专利事务的,应当委托依法设立的专利代理机构办理。
      Article 18 A foreigner, foreign enterprise or any other foreign organisation that does not have a habitual residence or place of business in China shall entrust a patent agency established pursuant to the law to apply for patent and handle other patent matters in China. Chinese organisations or individuals may entrust a patent agency established pursuant to the law to apply for patent and handle other patent matters in China.
      A patent agency shall comply with the laws and administrative regulations and handle patent applications or other patent matters as entrusted by its client; the patent agency shall have the obligation to keep contents of invention-creations of a client confidential, except where the patent application has been announced or promulgated. The specific administrative measures for patent agencies shall be stipulated by the State Council.
      第十九条 任何单位或者个人将在中国完成的发明或者实用新型向外国申请专利的,应当事先报经国务院专利行政部门进行保密审查。保密审查的程序、期限等按照国务院的规定执行。
      Article 19 Any organisation or individual applying for patent in a foreign country for an invention or a utility model completed in China shall first notify the patent administrative department under the State Council for confidential examination. The procedures, duration, etc. for confidential examination shall comply with the provisions of the State Council. Chinese organisations or individuals may file international patent applications pursuant to the relevant international treaties participated by the People’s Republic of China. An applicant for international patent application shall comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
      The patent administrative department under the State Council shall handle international patent applications pursuant to the relevant international treaties participated by the People’s Republic of China, this Law and the relevant provisions of the State Council.Where an application for patent for an invention or a utility model submitted in a foreign country in violation of the provisions of the first paragraph of this Article is filed in China, patent rights shall not be granted.
      第二十条 申请专利和行使专利权应当遵循诚实信用原则。不得滥用专利权损害公共利益或者他人合法权益。
      Article 20 Applications for patent and exercise of patent rights shall comply with the principle of good faith. No one may abuse the patent rights to harm public interest or the legitimate rights and interests of others. Abuse of patent rights to eliminate or restrict competition which constitutes a monopolistic act, shall be punished in accordance with the Anti-monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China.
      第二十一条 国务院专利行政部门应当按照客观、公正、准确、及时的要求,依法处理有关专利的申请和请求。
      Article 21 The patent administrative department under the State Council shall handle the relevant patent applications and requests pursuant to the law and under the principles of objectivity, fairness, accuracy and timeliness. The patent administrative department under the State Council shall strengthen development of a public service system for patent information, release the patent information in a complete, accurate and timely manner, provide basic patent data, publish patent gazettes on a regular basis, and promote dissemination and utilisation of patent information.
      Prior to announcement or promulgation of patent applications, the staff and relevant personnel of the patent administrative department under the State Council shall have the obligation to keep the contents of patent applications confidential.
      第二章 授予专利权的条件Chapter II Criteria for Grant of Patent Rights
      第二十二条 授予专利权的发明和实用新型,应当具备新颖性、创造性和实用性。
      Article 22 Inventions and utility models for which patent rights are granted shall possess novelty, creativity and practicality. Novelty shall mean that an invention or a utility model does not fall under the prior art; and no organisation or individual has submitted an application to the patent administrative department under the State Council for an identical invention or utility model prior to the filing date, and record shall be made in the announced patent application documents or promulgated patent documents after the filing date.
      Creativity shall mean that, when compared to the prior art, an invention possesses substantive characteristics which are distinctive and eminent improvements, or a utility model has substantive characteristics and improvements.Practicality shall mean that an invention or a utility model can be manufactured or used and can generate positive effects.Prior art referred to in this Law shall mean technologies well known in the public domain in China or overseas prior to the filing date.
      第二十三条 授予专利权的外观设计,应当不属于现有设计;也没有任何单位或者个人就同样的外观设计在申请日以前向国务院专利行政部门提出过申请,并记载在申请日以后公告的专利文件中。
      Article 23 A design for which patent rights are granted shall not fall under the existing designs; and no organisation or individual has submitted an application to the patent administrative department under the State Council for an identical design prior to the filing date, and record shall be made in the promulgated patent documents after the filing date. A design for which patent rights are granted, when compared to the existing designs or a combination of characteristics of the existing designs, shall possess a clear distinction.
      A design for which patent rights are granted shall not have conflict with the legitimate rights obtained by others prior to the filing date.Existing designs referred to in this Law shall mean designs well known in the public domain in China or overseas prior to the filing date.
      第二十四条 申请专利的发明创造在申请日以前六个月内,有下列情形之一的,不丧失新颖性:
      Article 24 Where an invention-creation for patent application encounters any of the following circumstances within six months before the filing date, the novelty factor shall not be affected: (1) the invention-creation is first made public for the purpose of public interest during a national emergency or extraordinary state of affairs;
      (2) the invention-creation was first shown in an international exhibition organised or recognised by the Chinese Government;(3) the invention-creation was first published at a stipulated academic or technological conference; or(4) the contents of the invention-creation were divulged by others without the consent of the applicant.
      第二十五条 对下列各项,不授予专利权:
      Article 25 Patent rights shall not be granted to the following items: (1) scientific discovery;
      (2) rules and methods of intellectual activities;(3) diagnosis and treatment methods of illnesses;(4) animal and plant varieties;(5) methods of nuclear transformation and substances obtained through the methods of nuclear transformation; and(6) a design which has major marking effect on the patterns or colors of graphic print products or a combination of both patterns and colors.Patent rights may be granted pursuant to the provisions of this Law to the manufacturing methods for products listed in Item (4) of the preceding paragraph.
      第三章 专利的申请Chapter III Patent Applications
      第二十六条 申请发明或者实用新型专利的,应当提交请求书、说明书及其摘要和权利要求书等文件。
      Article 26 Documents such as a request, the specification and its abstract and claims, etc. shall be submitted for a patent application for an invention or a utility model. The request shall state the title of the invention or utility model, the name of the inventor, the name and address of the applicant and other matters.
      The specification shall provide a clear and complete explanation of the invention or utility model to the extent which can be materialised by technical personnel in the relevant technical field; drawings shall be attached where necessary. The abstract shall include a brief explanation of the technical points of the invention or utility model.The claims shall be based on the specification and shall stipulate the scope of patent protection claimed clearly and briefly.For an invention-creation which is completed by reliance on genetic resources, an applicant shall state the direct source and original source of such genetic resources in the patent application documents; where the applicant is unable to state the original source, the reason shall be stated.
      第二十七条 申请外观设计专利的,应当提交请求书、该外观设计的图片或者照片以及对该外观设计的简要说明等文件。
      Article 27 Documents such as a request, pictures or photographs of the design and a brief explanation of the design, etc. shall be submitted for a design patent application. The relevant pictures or photographs submitted by an applicant shall clearly show the design of the products in which patent protection is claimed.
      第二十八条 国务院专利行政部门收到专利申请文件之日为申请日。如果申请文件是邮寄的,以寄出的邮戳日为申请日。Article 28 The filing date shall be the date of receipt of the patent application documents by the patent administrative department under the State Council. Where the application documents are submitted by post, the filing date shall be the date of postmark for sending mails.
      第二十九条 申请人自发明或者实用新型在外国第一次提出专利申请之日起十二个月内,或者自外观设计在外国第一次提出专利申请之日起六个月内,又在中国就相同主题提出专利申请的,依照该外国同中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约,或者依照相互承认优先权的原则,可以享有优先权。
      Article 29 Where an applicant, within twelve months from the date of first-filed patent application for an invention or utility model in a foreign country or within six months from the date of the first-filed patent application for a design in a foreign country, also files a patent application for the same subject in China, he/it may enjoy priority in accordance with the agreement entered into between the foreign country and China or the international treaty participated by both the foreign country and China or under the principle of mutual recognition of priority. Where an applicant, within twelve months from the date of the first submission in China of an application for a patent for invention or utility model, or within six months from the date of the first submission in China of an application for a patent for design, also files an application for a patent for the same subject with the patent administrative department under the State Council, he/it may enjoy priority.
      第三十条 申请人要求发明、实用新型专利优先权的,应当在申请的时候提出书面声明,并且在第一次提出申请之日起十六个月内,提交第一次提出的专利申请文件的副本。
      Article 30 An applicant claiming priority of a patent for invention or utility model shall submit a written declaration at the time of application and submit the duplicate copy of the patent application documents for the first submission within 16 months from the date of the first application. An applicant claiming priority of a patent for design shall submit a written declaration at the time of application and submit the duplicate copy of the patent application documents for the first submission within three months.
      Where an applicant fails to submit a written declaration or fails to submit the duplicate copy of the patent application documents within the stipulated period, he/it shall be deemed to have not claimed the priority.
      第三十一条 一件发明或者实用新型专利申请应当限于一项发明或者实用新型。属于一个总的发明构思的两项以上的发明或者实用新型,可以作为一件申请提出。
      Article 31 A patent application for an invention or a utility model shall be limited to one invention or one utility model. One application may be submitted for two or more inventions or utility models which fall under an overall inventive concept. A design patent application shall be limited to one design. One application may be submitted for two or more similar designs for the same product or two or more designs used on the same type of products which are sold or used as a package.
      第三十二条 申请人可以在被授予专利权之前随时撤回其专利申请。Article 32 An applicant may withdraw its/his patent application at any time before the patent rights are granted.
      第三十三条 申请人可以对其专利申请文件进行修改,但是,对发明和实用新型专利申请文件的修改不得超出原说明书和权利要求书记载的范围,对外观设计专利申请文件的修改不得超出原图片或者照片表示的范围。Article 33 An applicant may amend its/his patent application documents, provided that the amendments to the patent application documents for an invention and a utility model shall not exceed the scope stated in the original specification and claims, and the amendments to the patent application documents for a design shall not exceed the scope illustrated in the original pictures or photographs.
      第四章 专利申请的审查和批准Chapter IV Examination and Approval of Patent Applications
      第三十四条 国务院专利行政部门收到发明专利申请后,经初步审查认为符合本法要求的,自申请日起满十八个月,即行公布。国务院专利行政部门可以根据申请人的请求早日公布其申请。Article 34 After the patent administrative department under the State Council has received a patent application for an invention and deems upon preliminary examination that the application meets the requirements of this Law, an announcement shall be made once the period of 18 months from the filing date has expired. The patent administrative department under the State Council may announce the application earlier upon request by the applicant.
      第三十五条 发明专利申请自申请日起三年内,国务院专利行政部门可以根据申请人随时提出的请求,对其申请进行实质审查;申请人无正当理由逾期不请求实质审查的,该申请即被视为撤回。
      Article 35 The patent administrative department under the State Council may, within three years from the date of patent application for an invention, conduct substantive examination of the application upon request by an applicant at any time; where an applicant fails to request for substantive examination within the stipulated period without any justified reason, the application shall be deemed as withdrawn. The patent administrative department under the State Council may, when it deems necessary, conduct substantive examination of a patent application for an invention voluntarily.
      第三十六条 发明专利的申请人请求实质审查的时候,应当提交在申请日前与其发明有关的参考资料。
      Article 36 An applicant for patent for an invention shall, at the time of request for substantive examination, submit the reference materials which are related to the invention before the filing date. Where a patent application for an invention was previously filed in a foreign country, the patent administrative department under the State Council may require the applicant to submit within a stipulated period the materials of search conducted by the foreign country for examination of the application or examination outcome materials; where the applicant fails to submit the materials within the stipulated period without any justified reason, the application shall be deemed as withdrawn.
      第三十七条 国务院专利行政部门对发明专利申请进行实质审查后,认为不符合本法规定的,应当通知申请人,要求其在指定的期限内陈述意见,或者对其申请进行修改;无正当理由逾期不答复的,该申请即被视为撤回。Article 37 After the patent administrative department under the State Council has conducted substantive examination of a patent application for an invention and deems that the application fails to meet the provisions of this Law, an applicant shall be notified and required to state its/his opinions within a stipulated period or make amendments to the application; where the applicant fails to reply within the stipulated period without any justified reason, the application shall be deemed as withdrawn.
      第三十八条 发明专利申请经申请人陈述意见或者进行修改后,国务院专利行政部门仍然认为不符合本法规定的,应当予以驳回。Article 38 Where the patent administrative department under the State Council still finds the application not to comply with the provisions of this Law after an applicant has stated its/his opinions or made amendments to the patent application for an invention, the application shall be rejected.
      第三十九条 发明专利申请经实质审查没有发现驳回理由的,由国务院专利行政部门作出授予发明专利权的决定,发给发明专利证书,同时予以登记和公告。发明专利权自公告之日起生效。Article 39 Where a patent application for an invention has undergone substantive examination and no reason for rejection is found, the patent administrative department under the State Council shall decide to grant patent rights to the invention, issue a patent certificate for the invention, and concurrently carry out registration and announcement. The patent rights for an invention shall be effective from the date of announcement.
      第四十条 实用新型和外观设计专利申请经初步审查没有发现驳回理由的,由国务院专利行政部门作出授予实用新型专利权或者外观设计专利权的决定,发给相应的专利证书,同时予以登记和公告。实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权自公告之日起生效。Article 40 Where a patent application for a utility model or a design has undergone preliminary examination and no reason for rejection is found, the patent administrative department under the State Council shall decide to grant patent rights to the utility model or the design, issue the corresponding patent certificate, and concurrently carry out registration and announcement. The patent rights for a utility model or a design shall be effective from the date of announcement.
      第四十一条 专利申请人对国务院专利行政部门驳回申请的决定不服的,可以自收到通知之日起三个月内向国务院专利行政部门请求复审。国务院专利行政部门复审后,作出决定,并通知专利申请人。
      Article 41 Where an applicant for patent disagrees with the decision of the patent administrative department under the State Council on rejection of his/its application, he/it may submit a request for reexamination to the patent administrative department under the State Council within three months from the date of receipt of notification. The patent administrative department under the State Council shall make a decision after reexamination and notify the applicant for patent. Where an applicant for patent disagrees with the reexamination decision of the patent administrative department under the State Council, he/it may file a lawsuit with a people’s court within three months from the date of receipt of notification.
      第五章 专利权的期限、终止和无效Chapter V Duration, Termination and Invalidity of Patent Rights
      第四十二条 发明专利权的期限为二十年,实用新型专利权的期限为十年,外观设计专利权的期限为十五年,均自申请日起计算。
      Article 42 The duration of patent rights for an invention shall be 20 years, the duration of patent rights for a utility model shall be 10 years and the duration of patent rights for a design shall be 15 years, commencing from the filing date. Where a patent right for invention is granted after three years from the date of request for substantive examination of a patent for invention and after four years from the filing date, the patent administrative department under the State Council shall grant compensation for duration of patent right due to any unreasonable delay in grant of patent rights at the request of the patentee, except for any unreasonable delay caused by the applicant.
      For the purpose of compensating for the time taken to evaluate and approve a new drug to be put on market, the patent administrative department under the State Council shall grant compensation for duration of patent rights for invention of a new drug approved to be put on market in China upon request of the patentee. The compensation period shall not exceed five years, and the total validity period of patent rights for a new drug approved to be put on market shall not exceed 14 years.
      第四十三条 专利权人应当自被授予专利权的当年开始缴纳年费。Article 43 A patentee shall commence payment of annual fee for a patent from the year in which patent rights are granted.
      第四十四条 有下列情形之一的,专利权在期限届满前终止:
      Article 44 Under any of the following circumstances, the patent rights shall terminate before expiry of the validity period: (1) where the patentee fails to pay annual fee pursuant to the provisions; or
      (2) where the patentee has declared in writing on waiving the patent rights.Where the patent rights have terminated before expiry of the validity period, the patent administrative department under the State Council shall carry out registration and announcement.
      第四十五条 自国务院专利行政部门公告授予专利权之日起,任何单位或者个人认为该专利权的授予不符合本法有关规定的,可以请求国务院专利行政部门宣告该专利权无效。Article 45 With effect from the date of announcement by the patent administrative department under the State Council on grant of patent rights, any organisation or individual that holds the view that the grant of such patent rights does not comply with the relevant provisions of this Law may request the patent administrative department under the State Council to declare that such patent rights are invalid.
      第四十六条 国务院专利行政部门对宣告专利权无效的请求应当及时审查和作出决定,并通知请求人和专利权人。宣告专利权无效的决定,由国务院专利行政部门登记和公告。
      Article 46 The patent administrative department under the State Council shall promptly examine the request for declaring the patent rights to be invalid and notify the applicant and the patentee of the decision made. The patent administrative department under the State Council shall carry out registration and announcement for a decision to declare the patent rights to be invalid. Any party that disagrees with the decision of the patent administrative department under the State Council on declaring the patent rights to be invalid or upholding the patent rights may file a lawsuit with a people’s court within three months from the date of receipt of notification. The people’s court shall notify the counterparty in the procedures for request to declare the patent rights to be invalid to participate in the lawsuit as a third party.
      第四十七条 宣告无效的专利权视为自始即不存在。
      Article 47 Patent rights which are declared to be invalid shall be deemed to be non-existent. A decision on declaring the patent rights to be invalid shall not have retrospective effect on a ruling or written mediation on patent infringement made and enforced by a people’s court before the patent rights are declared to be invalid, a decision on handling patent infringement dispute which has been performed or mandatorily enforced or a licensing contract for patent implementation or a contract for transfer of patent rights which has been performed. However, compensation shall be paid for losses caused to others as a result of the patentee’s malice.
      Where a non-refund of patent infringement compensation, royalties and transfer fee for patent rights pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph is evidently in violation of the principle of fairness, all or part of the sum shall be refunded.
      第六章 专利实施的特别许可Chapter VI Special Licensing for Exploitation of Patent
      第四十八条 国务院专利行政部门、地方人民政府管理专利工作的部门应当会同同级相关部门采取措施,加强专利公共服务,促进专利实施和运用。Article 48 The patent administrative department under the State Council and the patent administrative department of a local people’s government shall, jointly with the relevant departments at the corresponding level, adopt measures to strengthen public patent services and promote patent exploitation and utilisation.
      第四十九条 国有企业事业单位的发明专利,对国家利益或者公共利益具有重大意义的,国务院有关主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府报经国务院批准,可以决定在批准的范围内推广应用,允许指定的单位实施,由实施单位按照国家规定向专利权人支付使用费。Article 49 For a patent for invention of a State-owned enterprise or public institution which has significant bearing on national interest or public interest, the relevant competent departments of the State Council and the people’s government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government may, upon obtaining approval of the State Council, decide to promote application of the patent for invention within the approved scope, and permit implementation by designated organisation(s), and the implementing organisation(s) shall pay royalties to the patentee pursuant to the provisions of the State.
      第五十条 专利权人自愿以书面方式向国务院专利行政部门声明愿意许可任何单位或者个人实施其专利,并明确许可使用费支付方式、标准的,由国务院专利行政部门予以公告,实行开放许可。就实用新型、外观设计专利提出开放许可声明的,应当提供专利权评价报告。
      Article 50 Where a patentee voluntarily declares in writing to the patent administrative department under the State Council that he/it intends to license any organisation or individual to implement the patent, and specifies the payment method and standard for royalties, the patent administrative department under the State Council shall make a public announcement and implement an open licensing. Where an open licensing statement for utility model or design patent is made, a patent rights evaluation report shall be provided. Where a patentee withdraws an open licensing statement, the withdrawal shall be made in writing and announced by the patent administrative department under the State Council. Where the open licensing statement is withdrawn by announcement, the validity of the open licensing previously granted shall not be affected.
      第五十一条 任何单位或者个人有意愿实施开放许可的专利的,以书面方式通知专利权人,并依照公告的许可使用费支付方式、标准支付许可使用费后,即获得专利实施许可。
      Article 51 Any organisation or individual wishing to implement a patent for which open licensing is granted shall notify the patentee in writing and obtain the license to implement the patent after payment of royalties in accordance with the announced payment method and standard for royalties. During the period of open licensing, reduction or exemption of payment of annual fee for patent by the patentee shall be granted correspondingly.
      A patentee implementing open licensing may negotiate with the licensee over royalties and grant a general licensing but shall not grant a sole or exclusive licensing in respect of such patent.
      第五十二条 当事人就实施开放许可发生纠纷的,由当事人协商解决;不愿协商或者协商不成的,可以请求国务院专利行政部门进行调解,也可以向人民法院起诉。Article 52 Disputes over implementation of open licensing between the parties concerned shall be resolved by the parties upon negotiation; where the parties concerned are unwilling to negotiate or the negotiation fails, they may request for mediation by the patent administrative department under the State Council, or may also file a lawsuit with a people’s court.
      第五十三条 有下列情形之一的,国务院专利行政部门根据具备实施条件的单位或者个人的申请,可以给予实施发明专利或者实用新型专利的强制许可:
      Article 53 Under any of the following circumstances, the patent administrative department under the State Council may, pursuant to an application by an organisation or individual qualified for implementation, grant a mandatory licensing for implementation of the patent for an invention or a utility model: (1) where a patentee has not implemented or fully implemented the patent without a valid reason after a three-year period has lapsed since the date of grant of patent rights or after a four-year period has lapsed since the date of patent application; or
      (2) where the acts of exercising patent rights by a patentee have been determined as monopolistic acts pursuant to the law, and the mandatory licensing is granted to eliminate or reduce the adverse impact of such acts on competition.
      第五十四条 在国家出现紧急状态或者非常情况时,或者为了公共利益的目的,国务院专利行政部门可以给予实施发明专利或者实用新型专利的强制许可。Article 54 During a national emergency situation or under exceptional circumstances, or for the purpose of public interest, the patent administrative department under the State Council may grant mandatory licensing for implementation of the patent for an invention or a utility model.
      第五十五条 为了公共健康目的,对取得专利权的药品,国务院专利行政部门可以给予制造并将其出口到符合中华人民共和国参加的有关国际条约规定的国家或者地区的强制许可。Article 55 For the purpose of public health, the patent administrative department under the State Council may grant mandatory licensing for patented drugs manufactured and exported to countries or regions which comply with the provisions of the relevant international treaty participated by the People’s Republic of China.
      第五十六条 一项取得专利权的发明或者实用新型比前已经取得专利权的发明或者实用新型具有显著经济意义的重大技术进步,其实施又有赖于前一发明或者实用新型的实施的,国务院专利行政部门根据后一专利权人的申请,可以给予实施前一发明或者实用新型的强制许可。
      Article 56 Where a patented invention or utility model possesses significant technological advancement with eminent economic significance when compared with a previously patented invention or utility model, and the implementation of such patented invention or utility model relies on the implementation of the previous invention or utility model, the patent administrative department under the State Council may, pursuant to an application by the patentee of the latter invention or utility model, grant mandatory licensing for implementation of the previous invention or utility model. Under the circumstances where mandatory licensing is granted for implementation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the patent administrative department under the State Council may also, pursuant to an application by the patentee of the previous invention or utility model, grant mandatory licensing for implementation of the latter invention or utility model.
      第五十七条 强制许可涉及的发明创造为半导体技术的,其实施限于公共利益的目的和本法第五十三条第(二)项规定的情形。Article 57 Where an invention-creation involved in mandatory licensing falls under semiconductor technology, the implementation thereof shall be restricted to the purpose of public interest and the circumstances stipulated in Item (2) of Article 53 hereof.
      第五十八条 除依照本法第五十三条第(二)项、第五十五条规定给予的强制许可外,强制许可的实施应当主要为了供应国内市场。Article 58 Except for mandatory licensing granted pursuant to the provisions of Item (2) of Article 53 and Article 55 hereof, the implementation of mandatory licensing shall mainly satisfy the purpose of supply to domestic market.
      第五十九条 依照本法第五十三条第(一)项、第五十六条规定申请强制许可的单位或者个人应当提供证据,证明其以合理的条件请求专利权人许可其实施专利,但未能在合理的时间内获得许可。Article 59 An organisation or individual applying for mandatory licensing pursuant to the provisions of Item (1) of Article 53 and Article 56 hereof shall provide evidence to prove that it/he has reasonable conditions to request the patentee to license the implementation of patent but fails to obtain the licensing within a reasonable period.
      第六十条 国务院专利行政部门作出的给予实施强制许可的决定,应当及时通知专利权人,并予以登记和公告。
      Article 60 The patent administrative department under the State Council shall, upon making a decision to grant mandatory licensing for implementation, notify the patentee promptly and carry out registration and announcement. A decision to grant mandatory licensing for implementation shall stipulate the scope and timing of implementation pursuant to the reason for mandatory licensing. When the reason for mandatory licensing is eliminated and will not occur again, the patent administrative department under the State Council shall, pursuant to a request of the patentee, decide on termination of mandatory licensing for implementation after examination.
      第六十一条 取得实施强制许可的单位或者个人不享有独占的实施权,并且无权允许他人实施。Article 61 An organisation or individual that has obtained the mandatory licensing for implementation shall not have exclusive implementation rights and shall have no right to allow implementation by others.
      第六十二条 取得实施强制许可的单位或者个人应当付给专利权人合理的使用费,或者依照中华人民共和国参加的有关国际条约的规定处理使用费问题。付给使用费的,其数额由双方协商;双方不能达成协议的,由国务院专利行政部门裁决。Article 62 An organisation or individual to which mandatory licensing for implementation has been granted shall pay reasonable royalties to the patentee or solve the problems relating to the royalties pursuant to the provisions of the relevant international treaty participated by the People’s Republic of China. Where the royalties are paid, the amount shall be negotiated between both parties; where both parties cannot agree on the amount, the patent administrative department under the State Council shall make a ruling on such amount.
      第六十三条 专利权人对国务院专利行政部门关于实施强制许可的决定不服的,专利权人和取得实施强制许可的单位或者个人对国务院专利行政部门关于实施强制许可的使用费的裁决不服的,可以自收到通知之日起三个月内向人民法院起诉。Article 63 Where a patentee disagrees with the decision of the patent administrative department under the State Council on mandatory licensing for implementation or where the patentee and the organisation or individual to which mandatory licensing for implementation has been granted disagree with the ruling of the patent administrative department under the State Council on amount of royalties for mandatory licensing for implementation, he/it may file a lawsuit with a people’s court within three months from the date of receipt of notification.
      第七章 专利权的保护Chapter VII Protection of Patent Rights
      第六十四条 发明或者实用新型专利权的保护范围以其权利要求的内容为准,说明书及附图可以用于解释权利要求的内容。
      Article 64 The scope of protection of patent rights for an invention or a utility model shall be based on the contents of the claims; the specification and drawings may be used to explain the contents of the claims. The scope of protection of patent rights for a design shall be based on the design of the products illustrated in the pictures or photographs; the brief explanation of the design may be used to explain the design of the products illustrated in the pictures or photographs.
      第六十五条 未经专利权人许可,实施其专利,即侵犯其专利权,引起纠纷的,由当事人协商解决;不愿协商或者协商不成的,专利权人或者利害关系人可以向人民法院起诉,也可以请求管理专利工作的部门处理。管理专利工作的部门处理时,认定侵权行为成立的,可以责令侵权人立即停止侵权行为,当事人不服的,可以自收到处理通知之日起十五日内依照《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》向人民法院起诉;侵权人期满不起诉又不停止侵权行为的,管理专利工作的部门可以申请人民法院强制执行。进行处理的管理专利工作的部门应当事人的请求,可以就侵犯专利权的赔偿数额进行调解;调解不成的,当事人可以依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》向人民法院起诉。Article 65 Implementation of a patent without licensing of the patentee shall constitute an infringement of patent rights; a dispute arising therefrom shall be negotiated and resolved by the parties concerned; where the parties concerned are not willing to negotiate or the negotiation is unsuccessful, the patentee or an interested party may file a lawsuit with a people’s court, or may request the patent administrative authority to handle the matter. Where the patent administrative authority concludes that a patent infringement is constituted when handling the matter, the infringer may be ordered to stop the infringement act forthwith; where any party concerned disagrees, it/he may file a lawsuit with a people’s court pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China within 15 days from the date of receipt of notification pertaining to handling of the matter; where the infringer fails to file a lawsuit within the stipulated period and does not stop the infringement act, the patent administrative authority may apply to a people’s court for mandatory enforcement. The patent administrative authority which handles the matter may, at the request of the parties concerned, mediate on the compensation amount in respect of infringement of patent rights; where the mediation fails, any party may file a lawsuit with a people’s court pursuant to the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China.
      第六十六条 专利侵权纠纷涉及新产品制造方法的发明专利的,制造同样产品的单位或者个人应当提供其产品制造方法不同于专利方法的证明。
      Article 66 Where a patent infringement dispute involves a patented invention for a manufacturing method of a new product, organisations or individuals manufacturing the same product shall provide evidence to prove that their product manufacturing method differs from the patented method. Where a patent infringement dispute involves a patented utility model or patented design, a people’s court or the patent administrative authority may require the patentee or an interested party to provide a patent rights evaluation report issued by the patent administrative department under the State Council after carrying out searches, analysis and evaluation of the relevant utility model or design as proof for trial or handling of the patent infringement dispute; the patentee, the interested party or the alleged infringer may also voluntarily submit a patent rights evaluation report.
      第六十七条 在专利侵权纠纷中,被控侵权人有证据证明其实施的技术或者设计属于现有技术或者现有设计的,不构成侵犯专利权。Article 67 In a patent infringement dispute where the accused infringer shows proof to prove that its/his technology or design implemented falls under the prior art or existing designs, it/he shall be deemed not to have infringed patent rights.
      第六十八条 假冒专利的,除依法承担民事责任外,由负责专利执法的部门责令改正并予公告,没收违法所得,可以处违法所得五倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得或者违法所得在五万元以下的,可以处二十五万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。Article 68 In case of patent counterfeiting, an offender shall, in addition to bearing civil liability pursuant to the law, be ordered by the patent law enforcement authority to make corrections, a public announcement shall be made; illegal income shall be confiscated and a fine of not more than five times the amount of illegal income may be imposed on it; where there is no illegal income or the amount of illegal income is below 50,000 yuan, a fine of not more than 250,000 yuan may be imposed on it; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.
      第六十九条 负责专利执法的部门根据已经取得的证据,对涉嫌假冒专利行为进行查处时,有权采取下列措施:
      Article 69 The patent law enforcement authority shall, based on evidence obtained, have the right to adopt the following measures when investigating and handling alleged patent counterfeiting: (1) questioning the parties concerned and investigating into the circumstances relating to the alleged illegal act;
      (2) conducting on-site inspection of the premises where the parties concerned are alleged to have committed the illegal act;(3) inspecting and making copies of contracts, invoices, account books and other relevant materials relating to the alleged illegal act;(4) inspecting the products relating to the alleged illegal act; and(5) sealing up or seizing the products proved to be counterfeited patent products.When handling a patent infringement dispute at the request of a patentee or an interested party, the patent administrative authority may adopt the measures stipulated in Item (1), Item (2) and Item (4) of the preceding paragraph.When the patent law enforcement authority and the patent administrative authority exercise the official powers stipulated in the two preceding paragraphs pursuant to the law, the parties concerned shall render assistance and cooperation, and shall not refuse or hinder.
      第七十条 国务院专利行政部门可以应专利权人或者利害关系人的请求处理在全国有重大影响的专利侵权纠纷。
      Article 70 The patent administrative department under the State Council may, at the request of a patentee or an interested party, handle patent infringement disputes of nation-wide impact. The patent administrative department of a local people’s government may, at the request of a patentee or an interested party, handle patent infringement disputes and conduct joint trial of separate cases of infringement upon the same patent right within its administrative region; in the case of infringement upon the same patent right across different regions, a request may be made to the patent administrative department of a local people’s government at a higher level to handle the case.
      第七十一条 侵犯专利权的赔偿数额按照权利人因被侵权所受到的实际损失或者侵权人因侵权所获得的利益确定;权利人的损失或者侵权人获得的利益难以确定的,参照该专利许可使用费的倍数合理确定。对故意侵犯专利权,情节严重的,可以在按照上述方法确定数额的一倍以上五倍以下确定赔偿数额。
      Article 71 The compensation amount for infringement of patent rights shall be determined according to the actual losses suffered by the patentee due to the infringement or the gains derived by the infringer from the infringement. Where it is difficult to ascertain the losses of the patentee or the gains derived by the infringer, the compensation amount shall be determined reasonably according to a multiple of the royalties of the said patent. For intentional infringement of patent rights, where the case is serious, the compensation amount shall be one to five times the amount determined pursuant to the aforesaid method. Where it is difficult to ascertain the losses of the patentee, the gains derived by the infringer and the royalties of the patent, a people’s court may determine a compensation amount ranging from 30,000 yuan to 5 million yuan according to the type of patent rights, as well as the nature and circumstances of the infringement act, etc.
      The compensation amount shall also include reasonable expenses incurred by the patentee to stop the infringement act.In the determination of compensation amount by a people’s court, where the patentee has provided proof to its best effort, and the account books and materials relating to the infringement are held by the infringer, the people’s court may order the infringer to provide account books and materials relating to the infringement; if the infringer does not provide or provides false account books and materials, the people’s court may determine the compensation amount with reference to the claims of the patentee and the evidence provided.
      第七十二条 专利权人或者利害关系人有证据证明他人正在实施或者即将实施侵犯专利权、妨碍其实现权利的行为,如不及时制止将会使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的,可以在起诉前依法向人民法院申请采取财产保全、责令作出一定行为或者禁止作出一定行为的措施。Article 72 Where any patentee or interested party has evidence to prove that others are committing or will commit an act of infringement of patent rights or hindering the realisation of rights, and that his/its legitimate rights and interests will suffer irreparable harm if such act of infringement or impending infringement is not stopped promptly, he/it may, prior to filing a lawsuit, apply to a people’s court pursuant to the law for adoption of property preservation measures, an order to undertake certain acts, or a prohibition from undertaking certain acts.
      第七十三条 为了制止专利侵权行为,在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,专利权人或者利害关系人可以在起诉前依法向人民法院申请保全证据。Article 73 For the purpose of curbing a patent infringement act and under the circumstances that evidence may be lost or become irrecoverable in the future, any patentee or interested party may, prior to filing a lawsuit, apply to a people’s court pursuant to the law for preservation of evidence.
      第七十四条 侵犯专利权的诉讼时效为三年,自专利权人或者利害关系人知道或者应当知道侵权行为以及侵权人之日起计算。
      Article 74 The limitation of action for infringement of patent rights shall be three years, commencing from the date on which a patentee or interested party becomes or should become aware of the infringing act and the infringer. Where the appropriate royalties are not paid for use of an invention during the period from the announcement of a patent application for the said invention to the grant of patent rights, the limitation of action for a patentee to claim such royalties shall be three years, commencing from the date on which the patentee becomes or should become aware of use of his/its invention by others. However, where the patentee becomes or should become aware prior to the date of grant of patent rights, the limitation of action shall commence from the date of grant of patent rights.
      第七十五条 有下列情形之一的,不视为侵犯专利权:
      Article 75 The following circumstances shall not be deemed as infringement of patent rights: (1) where the patented products or products obtained directly pursuant to the patented method are sold by the patentee or organisations or individuals licensed by the patentee before the use, offer for sale, sale and importation of such products;
      (2) where identical products are manufactured or the same method is used before the date of patent application or where the requisite preparations for manufacturing or use are in place before the date of patent application, and the manufacturing or use continues only within the original scope;(3) where the relevant patent is used in the device and equipment of foreign transportation vehicles which temporarily pass through China’s territorial land, territorial waters and airspace for the needs of the transportation vehicles according to an agreement entered into between their home country and China or an international treaty participated by both their home country and China or under the principle of mutual benefits;(4) where the relevant patent is used specifically for scientific research and experiment; and(5) manufacturing, use or importation of patented drugs or patented medical devices for the purpose of providing information required for administrative examination and approval, and manufacturing or importation of patented drugs or patented medical devices specifically for them.
      第七十六条 药品上市审评审批过程中,药品上市许可申请人与有关专利权人或者利害关系人,因申请注册的药品相关的专利权产生纠纷的,相关当事人可以向人民法院起诉,请求就申请注册的药品相关技术方案是否落入他人药品专利权保护范围作出判决。国务院药品监督管理部门在规定的期限内,可以根据人民法院生效裁判作出是否暂停批准相关药品上市的决定。
      Article 76 In the process of evaluation and approval of marketing of a drug, where a dispute arises over the patent rights relating to the drug for which registration is applied between a drug marketing authorization applicant and a relevant patentee or interested party, the relevant party may file a lawsuit with a people’s court, requesting a ruling on whether the relevant technical solution of the drug for which registration is applied falls within the scope of protection of others’ drug patent rights. The drug regulatory department under the State Council may, within the stipulated period, make a decision on whether to suspend the approval of marketing of the drug concerned based on the effective judgment made by the people’s court. A drug marketing authorization applicant and a relevant patentee or interested party may also request an administrative ruling from the patent administrative department under the State Council in respect of a dispute over patent rights relating to the drug for which registration is applied.
      The drug regulatory department under the State Council shall, in concert with the patent administrative department under the State Council, formulate specific transition measures for resolving disputes over patent rights during the stages of examination and approval of drug marketing authorization and application for drug marketing authorization, which shall be effective upon approval by the State Council.
      第七十七条 为生产经营目的使用、许诺销售或者销售不知道是未经专利权人许可而制造并售出的专利侵权产品,能证明该产品合法来源的,不承担赔偿责任。Article 77 Where an uninformed party which, for the purpose of manufacturing and business, uses, offers to sell or sells products of patent infringement manufactured and sold without licensing by a patentee can prove the legitimate source of such products, it/he shall not be liable for compensation.
      第七十八条 违反本法第十九条规定向外国申请专利,泄露国家秘密的,由所在单位或者上级主管机关给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。Article 78 Whoever violates the provisions of Article 19 hereof by divulging State secrets when filing a patent application with a foreign country shall be subject to administrative punishment meted out by his employer or the higher-level authority; where the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.
      第七十九条 管理专利工作的部门不得参与向社会推荐专利产品等经营活动。
      Article 79 The patent administrative authority shall not participate in business activities such as promoting patented products to the public, etc. The patent administrative authority which has violated the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be ordered by its higher-level authority or the supervisory organ to make correction and eliminate impact; illegal income shall be confiscated; where the case is serious, the person(s)-in-charge who is/are directly accountable and other directly accountable personnel shall be subject to punishment pursuant to the law.
      第八十条 从事专利管理工作的国家机关工作人员以及其他有关国家机关工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予处分。Article 80 Where State officials engaging in patent administration and other relevant State officials are guilty of practising dereliction of duty, abusing official powers or committing irregularities for personal gains, if the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law; where the case does not constitute a criminal offence, punishment shall be meted out pursuant to the law.
      第八章 附 则Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
      第八十一条 向国务院专利行政部门申请专利和办理其他手续,应当按照规定缴纳费用。Article 81 Persons applying for patent and processing other formalities with the patent administrative department under the State Council shall pay fees pursuant to the provisions.
      第八十二条 本法自1985年4月1日起施行。Article 82 This Law shall become effective 1 April 1985.