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      中华人民共和国著作权法(1990年9月7日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议通过 根据2001年10月27日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国著作权法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2010年2月26日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十三次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国著作权法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2020年11月11日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十三次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国著作权法〉的决定》第三次修正)Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China (Revised in 2020)(Adopted at the 15th Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People’s Congress on September 7, 1990; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China adopted at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress on October 27, 2001; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China adopted at the 13th Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress on February 26, 2010; and amended for the third time according to the Decision on Amending the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China adopted at the 23rd Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress on November 11, 2020)
      第一章 总 则Chapter I General Provisions
      第一条   为保护文学、艺术和科学作品作者的著作权,以及与著作权有关的权益,鼓励有益于社会主义精神文明、物质文明建设的作品的创作和传播,促进社会主义文化和科学事业的发展与繁荣,根据宪法制定本法。Article 1 This Law is enacted pursuant to the Constitution for the purposes of protecting copyrights and copyright-related rights and interests of authors of literary, artistic and scientific works, encouraging creation and transmission of works which are beneficial to development of socialist spiritual and material civilisation, and promoting development and prosperity of socialist cultural and scientific undertakings.
      第二条   中国公民、法人或者非法人组织的作品,不论是否发表,依照本法享有著作权。
      Article 2 Chinese citizens, legal persons or organizations without legal personality enjoy copyright over their works, whether published or not, in accordance with this Law.
         Copyright over works of foreigners and Stateless persons vested pursuant to an agreement entered into between the home country or the country of habitual residence of the author and China or an international treaty to the home country or the country of habitual residence of the author and China are parties shall be protected by this Law.
      Foreigners and Stateless persons whose works are first published in China enjoy copyright pursuant to this Law.Works of authors from a country which has not entered into an agreement with China or participated in an international treaty to which China is a party and of Stateless persons, which are first published in a member country of an international treaty to which China is a party or are simultaneously published in a member country and a non-member country, shall be protected by this Law.
      第三条   本法所称的作品,是指文学、艺术和科学领域内具有独创性并能以一定形式表现的智力成果,包括:
      Article 3 For the purpose of this Law, works shall refer to original intellectual achievements in the fields of literature, art and science which can be expressed in a certain form, including:
         (1) written works;
      (2) oral works;(3) musical, dramatic, opera, dance, acrobatic artistic works;(4) fine arts, architectural works;(5) photographic works;(6) audio-visual works;(7) graphic works and model works, such as engineering design plan, product design plan, map, schematic diagram, etc.;(8) computer software; and(9) any other intellectual achievements which comply with the characteristics of the works.
      第四条   著作权人和与著作权有关的权利人行使权利,不得违反宪法和法律,不得损害公共利益。国家对作品的出版、传播依法进行监督管理。Article 4 Copyright holders and holders of copyright-related rights, when exercising their rights, shall not violate the Constitution and laws or harm public interest. The State shall implement supervision and administration over publication and transmission of works pursuant to the law.
      第五条   本法不适用于:
      Article 5 This Law shall not apply to:
         (1) laws, regulations, resolutions, decisions and orders of State agencies, other legislative, administrative and judicial documents, and the official translation thereof;
      (2) pure factual information; and(3) calendar system, general tables, general forms and formulae.
      第六条   民间文学艺术作品的著作权保护办法由国务院另行规定。Article 6 Measures for protection of copyright of folk literature and art works shall be separately stipulated by the State Council.
      第七条   国家著作权主管部门负责全国的著作权管理工作;县级以上地方主管著作权的部门负责本行政区域的著作权管理工作。Article 7 The competent copyright authority of the State shall be responsible for administration of copyright nationwide; the local copyright authorities at the county level or above shall be responsible for administration of copyright within their administrative regions.
      第八条   著作权人和与著作权有关的权利人可以授权著作权集体管理组织行使著作权或者与著作权有关的权利。依法设立的著作权集体管理组织是非营利法人,被授权后可以以自己的名义为著作权人和与著作权有关的权利人主张权利,并可以作为当事人进行涉及著作权或者与著作权有关的权利的诉讼、仲裁、调解活动。
      Article 8 Copyright holders and holders of copyright-related rights may authorise a copyright collective management organisation to exercise the copyright or copyright-related rights. A copyright collective management organisation established pursuant to the law is a non-profit legal person, and may, upon being authorised, claim rights in its own name for the copyright holders and the holders of copyright-related rights, and may be involved in litigation, arbitration and mediation activities of such copyright or copyright-related rights in the capacity of a party concerned.
         A copyright collective management organisation shall collect royalty from users as authorised. The rates of royalty shall be determined by the copyright collective management organisation and the users’ representative upon negotiation. Where the negotiation is unsuccessful, an application may be filed with the competent copyright authority of the State for a ruling; any party that disagrees with the ruling may file a lawsuit with a people’s court; the party concerned may file a lawsuit directly with a people’s court.
      A copyright collective management organisation shall make regular announcements on general information of collection and transfer of royalty, withdrawal and use of management fees, undistributed portion of royalty, etc., and establish a rights information enquiry system for enquiry by rights holders and users. The competent copyright authority of the State shall supervise and administer the collective management organisation pursuant to the law.The method of establishment of a copyright collective management organisation, its rights and obligations, collection and distribution of royalty, and supervision and administration over such copyright collective management organisation shall be separately stipulated by the State Council.
      第二章 著作权Chapter II Copyright
      第一节 著作权人及其权利Section 1 Copyright Holders and Their Rights
      第九条   著作权人包括:
      Article 9 Copyright holders shall include:
         (1) authors; and
      (2) any other natural persons, legal persons or unincorporated organisations that enjoy copyright pursuant to this Law.
      第十条   著作权包括下列人身权和财产权:
      Article 10 Copyright shall include the following personal rights and property rights:
         (1) publication right, i.e. the right to decide whether a work is made public;
      (2) right of authorship, i.e. the right to be named as author of a work;(3) right of revision, i.e. the right to revise a work or to authorise others to revise a work;(4) right to preserve the integrity of work, i.e. the right to protect a work from distortion or tampering;(5) reproduction right, i.e. the right to reproduce one or more copies of a work by printing, photocopying, rubbing, audio recording, video recording, duplication, digitization of photographic reproduction, etc.;(6) distribution right, i.e. the right to provide the original copy or replicas of a work to the public by sale or gift;(7) rental right, i.e. the right to license others to temporarily use the original or copies of the audio-visual works or computer software for a fee, except where the computer software is not the main subject matter of the lease;(8) exhibition right, i.e. the right to put the original copy or replicas of art works and photographic works on public display;(9) performance right, i.e. the right to put up a public performance of a work and publicly broadcast performance of a work through various means;(10) screening right, i.e. the right to put up a public screening of art works, photographic works, audio-visual works, etc. through technical equipment such as film projector, slide projector, etc.;(11) broadcasting right, i.e. the right to publicly transmit or relay a work through cable or wireless method and the right to transmit broadcasting works to the public through a loudspeaker or other similar tools for transmission of symbols, sounds or images, excluding the right stipulated in Item (12) of this paragraph;(12) information network transmission right, i.e. the right to provide a work to the public through cable or wireless method to enable the public to access the work at a selected time and venue;(13) filming right, i.e. the right to fix a work on a carrier by way of producing audio-visual works;(14) adaptation right, i.e. the right to adapt a work, thus creating a new work with originality;(15) translation right, i.e. the right to convert the written text of a work from one language to another language;(16) compilation right, i.e. the right to select or arrange a work or parts of a work for compilation into a new work; and(17) any other rights enjoyed by a copyright holder.A copyright holder may license others to exercise the rights stipulated in Item (5) to Item (17) of the preceding paragraph and receive remuneration pursuant to the agreement or the relevant provisions hereof.A copyright holder may transfer all or some of the rights stipulated in Item (5) to Item (17) of the first paragraph of this Article and receive remuneration pursuant to the agreement or the relevant provisions of this Law.
      第二节 著作权归属Section 2 Ownership of Copyright
      第十一条   著作权属于作者,本法另有规定的除外。
      Article 11 Copyright shall belong to the author, unless otherwise stipulated in this Law.
         The author of a work shall be a natural person who has created the work.
      Where a work is organised by a legal person or any unincorporated organisation, created on behalf of the legal person or the unincorporated organisation, and for which the legal person or the unincorporated organisation bears responsibility, the legal person or the unincorporated organisation shall be deemed as the author.
      第十二条   在作品上署名的自然人、法人或者非法人组织为作者,且该作品上存在相应权利,但有相反证明的除外。
      Article 12 A natural person, legal person or unincorporated organisation whose name is stated on a work shall be the author, and there are corresponding rights in the work, except where there is evidence to the contrary.
         Authors and other copyright holders may complete work registration formalities with the registration agency recognised by the competent copyright authority of the State.
      The provisions of the two preceding paragraphs shall apply as reference to rights related to copyright.
      第十三条   改编、翻译、注释、整理已有作品而产生的作品,其著作权由改编、翻译、注释、整理人享有,但行使著作权时不得侵犯原作品的著作权。Article 13 The copyright over a work created by adaptation, translation, annotation or collation of an existing work shall belong to the person who undertakes adaptation, translation, annotation or collation, provided that the copyright of the original work shall not be infringed at the time of exercise of copyright over the work created by adaptation, translation, annotation or collation of an existing work by the said person.
      第十四条   两人以上合作创作的作品,著作权由合作作者共同享有。没有参加创作的人,不能成为合作作者。
      Article 14 The copyright of a work jointly created by two or more persons shall be co-owned by the co-authors. A person who has not participated in the creation shall not be regarded as a co-author.
         Copyright in a work of joint authorship shall be exercised by co-authors upon negotiation and agreement. Where the co-authors are unable to reach an agreement following negotiation and there is no proper reason, any co-author shall not prevent the other party from exercising other rights other than transfer or licensing of exclusive use or pledge to others, provided however that the income derived shall be distributed fairly among all co-authors.
      Where a co-authored work can be used separately, a co-author may enjoy independent copyright in the portion created by him/her, provided that the overall copyright of the co-authored work shall not be infringed at the time of his/her exercise of copyright.
      第十五条   汇编若干作品、作品的片段或者不构成作品的数据或者其他材料,对其内容的选择或者编排体现独创性的作品,为汇编作品,其著作权由汇编人享有,但行使著作权时,不得侵犯原作品的著作权。Article 15 A work with originality created by compilation of several works, parts of a work or data or other materials which do not constitute a work by selection or arrangement of contents thereof shall be regarded as a compilation work; the copyright of the compilation work shall belong to the person who undertakes the compilation, provided that the copyright of the original work shall not be infringed at the time of his/her exercise of copyright.
      第十六条   使用改编、翻译、注释、整理、汇编已有作品而产生的作品进行出版、演出和制作录音录像制品,应当取得该作品的著作权人和原作品的著作权人许可,并支付报酬。Article 16 For publication, performance and production of audio and video recordings using a work created from adaptation, translation, annotation, sorting or compilation of a pre-existing work, the consent of the copyright holder of the said work and the copyright holder of the original work shall be obtained and remuneration paid.
      第十七条   视听作品中的电影作品、电视剧作品的著作权由制作者享有,但编剧、导演、摄影、作词、作曲等作者享有署名权,并有权按照与制作者签订的合同获得报酬。
      Article 17 Copyright in a cinematographic work or television drama work included in an audio-visual work shall belong to the producer; however, the screenwriter, director, cameraman, lyricist, composer and other authors of the work shall have the right of authorship, and the right to obtain remuneration pursuant to the contract entered into with the producer.
         Ownership of copyright in an audio-visual work other than those stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be agreed upon between the parties concerned; where there is no agreement or the agreement is unclear, the producer shall own the work, provided that the author shall have the right of authorship and the right to obtain remuneration.
      The authors of works included in an audio-visual work which can be used separately such as script, musical work, etc. shall have the right to exercise their copyright independently.
      第十八条   自然人为完成法人或者非法人组织工作任务所创作的作品是职务作品,除本条第二款的规定以外,著作权由作者享有,但法人或者非法人组织有权在其业务范围内优先使用。作品完成两年内,未经单位同意,作者不得许可第三人以与单位使用的相同方式使用该作品。
      Article 18 A work created by a natural person during his/her completion of work assignment for a legal person or any unincorporated organisation shall be regarded as a work created in the course of employment; the copyright shall belong to the author, except where stipulated in the second paragraph of this Article, provided that the legal person or the unincorporated organisation shall have the right of priority use within its scope of business. The author shall not license a third party to use the work in the same way as his/her organisation within two years from completion of the work without the consent of his/her organisation.
         The author shall have the right of authorship over the works created in the course of employment under any of the following circumstances; other rights pertaining to copyright shall belong to the legal person or the unincorporated organisation; the legal person or the unincorporated organisation may reward the author:
      (1) works created in the course of employment such as engineering design plan, product design plan, map, schematic diagram, computer software, etc. which are created primarily with the use of material and technical conditions of the legal person or the unincorporated organisation and for which the legal person or the unincorporated organisation bears responsibility;(2) works created in the course of employment by personnel of newspaper offices, periodical offices, news agencies, radio stations and television stations; or(3) works created in the course of employment whose copyright belongs to the legal person or the unincorporated organisation pursuant to the provisions of laws, and administrative regulations or contractual agreement.
      第十九条   受委托创作的作品,著作权的归属由委托人和受托人通过合同约定。合同未作明确约定或者没有订立合同的,著作权属于受托人。Article 19 Attribution of copyright of a commissioned work shall be agreed between the principal and the commissioned party through contractual agreement. Where the contract does not specify an agreement or where there is no contract, the copyright shall belong to the commissioned party.
      第二十条   作品原件所有权的转移,不改变作品著作权的归属,但美术、摄影作品原件的展览权由原件所有人享有。
      Article 20 Transfer of ownership of the original copy of a work shall not change the ownership of the copyright in the work, provided that the right to exhibit the original copy of a fine art work or a photographic work shall belong to the owner of the original copy.
         Where an author transfers ownership of the original copy of an unpublished work of fine art or a photographic work to others, the exhibition of such original copy by the transferee shall not constitute an infringement upon the author’s right of publication.
      第二十一条   著作权属于自然人的,自然人死亡后,其本法第十条第一款第五项至第十七项规定的权利在本法规定的保护期内,依法转移。
      Article 21 In the event of death of a natural person who owns the copyright of a work, the rights stipulated in Item (5) to Item (17) of the first paragraph of Article 10 hereof shall be transferred pursuant to the law during the period of protection stipulated in this Law.
         In the event of change or termination of a legal person or an unincorporated organisation which owns the copyright of a work, during the period of protection stipulated in this Law, the rights stipulated in Item (5) to Item (17) of the first paragraph of Article 10 hereof shall be owned by a legal person or an unincorporated organisation which succeeds the rights and obligations; where there is no legal person or unincorporated organisation which succeeds the rights and obligations, the copyright shall belong to the State.
      第三节 权利的保护期Section 3 Period of Protection of Rights
      第二十二条   作者的署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权的保护期不受限制。Article 22 The period of protection of right of authorship, right of revision, right to preserve the integrity of work of an author shall not be subject to restriction.
      第二十三条   自然人的作品,其发表权、本法第十条第一款第五项至第十七项规定的权利的保护期为作者终生及其死亡后五十年,截止于作者死亡后第五十年的12月31日;如果是合作作品,截止于最后死亡的作者死亡后第五十年的12月31日。
      Article 23 The period of protection of publication right and the rights stipulated in Item (5) to Item (17) of the first paragraph of Article 10 hereof of works of a natural person shall be the entire life span of the author and 50 years following his/her death, and shall expire on 31 December of the 50th year following the author’s death; in the case of co-authored works, the period of protection shall expire on 31 December of the 50th year following the death of the last surviving author.
         The period of protection of the right of publication for works of a legal person or unincorporated organisation, and works created in the course of employment in which the copyright (except for right of authorship) belongs to the legal person or unincorporated organisation, shall be 50 years, and shall expire on 31 December of the 50th year after completion of the works; the period of protection of the rights stipulated in Item (5) to Item (17) of the first paragraph of Article 10 hereof shall be 50 years, and shall expire on 31 December of the 50th year after the first publication of the works, but where such works are not published within 50 years from completion of creation, they shall no longer be protected by this Law.
      The period of protection of the right of publication for an audio-visual work shall be 50 years, and shall expire on 31 December of the 50th year after completion of the work; the period of protection of the rights stipulated in Item (5) to Item (17) of the first paragraph of Article 10 hereof shall be 50 years, and shall expire on 31 December of the 50th year after the first publication of the work, but where such work is not published within 50 years from completion of its creation, it shall no longer be protected by this Law.
      第四节 权利的限制Section 4 Restriction of Rights
      第二十四条   在下列情况下使用作品,可以不经著作权人许可,不向其支付报酬,但应当指明作者姓名或者名称、作品名称,并且不得影响该作品的正常使用,也不得不合理地损害著作权人的合法权益:
      Article 24 Use of a work under the following circumstances does not require licensing by the copyright holder and remuneration need not be paid, provided that it shall state the name or designation of the author and the title of the work, and shall not affect normal use of the said work or unreasonably harm the legitimate rights and interests of the copyright holder:
         (1) use of a work published by others for personal learning, research or appreciation;
      (2) appropriate citation of a work published by others in a work for the purpose of introduction or commentary of a certain work or explanation of a certain issue;(3) inevitable reproduction or citation of a published work on media such as newspapers, periodicals, radio stations, television stations, etc. for reporting of news;(4) publication or broadcast by media such as newspapers, periodicals, radio stations, television stations, etc. of articles on current affairs pertaining to politics, economics, religious issues published by other media such as newspapers, periodicals, radio stations, television stations, etc., except where the copyright holder has stated that publication or broadcast is not permitted;(5) publication or broadcast by media such as newspapers, periodicals, radio stations, television stations, etc. of speeches made at public meetings, except where the author has stated that publication or broadcast is not permitted;(6) translation, adaptation, compilation, broadcast or replication in small quantity of published works for use by teaching or scientific research personnel in classroom teaching or scientific research, provided that publication and distribution shall be prohibited;(7) use of published works by State agencies within a reasonable scope for execution of official duties;(8) replication by libraries, archives, memorials, museums, art galleries, cultural centres, etc. of works collected by them for the purpose of display or preservation;(9) gratis performance of published works to the public for free, no remuneration is paid to the performers and not for profit-making purposes;(10) copying, drawing, photographing and video recording of art works installed or displayed at public premises;(11) translation of standard Chinese language works published by Chinese citizens, legal persons or any unincorporated organisations into minority language works for publication and distribution in China;(12) provision of a published work to a person with dyslexia in a way which is accessible to him/her; and(13) any other circumstances stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to limitations of rights related to copyright.
      第二十五条   为实施义务教育和国家教育规划而编写出版教科书,可以不经著作权人许可,在教科书中汇编已经发表的作品片段或者短小的文字作品、音乐作品或者单幅的美术作品、摄影作品、图形作品,但应当按照规定向著作权人支付报酬,指明作者姓名或者名称、作品名称,并且不得侵犯著作权人依照本法享有的其他权利。
      Article 25 Persons who compile and publish textbooks for the purpose of implementation of compulsory education and national education planning may, without consent from the copyright holder, compile published fragments of works, short written works, musical works or a single work of fine art, photographic work and graphic work in the textbooks, but shall pay remuneration to the copyright holder pursuant to the provisions, state the name or designation of the author and the title of the work, and shall not infringe upon other rights enjoyed by the copyright holder pursuant to this Law.
         The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to limitations of rights related to copyright.
      第三章 著作权许可使用和转让合同Chapter III Contract Licensing Copyright Usage and Transfer
      第二十六条   使用他人作品应当同著作权人订立许可使用合同,本法规定可以不经许可的除外。
      Article 26 A contract licensing usage shall be concluded with the copyright holder for use of the work of others, except for circumstances under which licensing is not required pursuant to the provisions hereof.
         A contract licensing usage shall include the following main contents:
      (1) type of rights licensed for usage;(2) where the rights licensed for usage are exclusive or non-exclusive rights;(3) geographical scope and period of licensing usage;(4) standards and method for payment of remuneration;(5) default liability; and(6) any other contents deemed necessary by both parties to be agreed.
      第二十七条   转让本法第十条第一款第五项至第十七项规定的权利,应当订立书面合同。
      Article 27 A written contract shall be concluded for transfer of rights stipulated in Item (5) to Item (17) of the first paragraph of Article 10 hereof.
         A rights transfer contract shall include the following main contents:
      (1) name of the work;(2) type of rights transferred, geographical scope;(3) transfer price;(4) date and method for payment of transfer price;(5) default liability; and(6) any other contents deemed necessary by both parties to be agreed.
      第二十八条   以著作权中的财产权出质的,由出质人和质权人依法办理出质登记。Article 28 Where property rights in copyright are pledged, the pledgor and the pledgee shall complete pledge registration formalities pursuant to the law.
      第二十九条   许可使用合同和转让合同中著作权人未明确许可、转让的权利,未经著作权人同意,另一方当事人不得行使。Article 29 Rights not specified by a copyright holder for licensing and transfer in a contract licensing usage and transfer contract shall not be exercised by the counterparty without the consent of the copyright holder.
      第三十条   使用作品的付酬标准可以由当事人约定,也可以按照国家著作权主管部门会同有关部门制定的付酬标准支付报酬。当事人约定不明确的,按照国家著作权主管部门会同有关部门制定的付酬标准支付报酬。Article 30 The standards for payment of remuneration for use of the work may be agreed by the parties concerned, or the remuneration may be paid pursuant to the standards for payment of remuneration formulated by the competent copyright authority of the State jointly with the relevant authorities. Where there is no specific agreement between the parties concerned, remuneration shall be paid pursuant to the standards for payment of remuneration formulated by the competent copyright authority of the State jointly with the relevant authorities.
      第三十一条   出版者、表演者、录音录像制作者、广播电台、电视台等依照本法有关规定使用他人作品的,不得侵犯作者的署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权和获得报酬的权利。Article 31 Use of others’ works by publishers, performers, producers of audio and video recordings, radio stations, television stations, etc. pursuant to the relevant provisions hereof shall not infringe upon the author’s right of authorship, right of revision, right to preserve the integrity of works and right to receive remuneration.
      第四章 与著作权有关的权利Chapter IV Copyright-related Rights
      第一节 图书、报刊的出版Section 1 Publication of Books, Newspapers and Periodicals
      第三十二条   图书出版者出版图书应当和著作权人订立出版合同,并支付报酬。Article 32 A book publisher proposing to publish a book shall enter into a publishing contract with the copyright holder and pay remuneration.
      第三十三条   图书出版者对著作权人交付出版的作品,按照合同约定享有的专有出版权受法律保护,他人不得出版该作品。Article 33 The exclusive publication right of a book publisher in respect of publication of a work delivered by a copyright holder pursuant to contractual agreement shall be protected by the law, and others shall not publish the work.
      第三十四条   著作权人应当按照合同约定期限交付作品。图书出版者应当按照合同约定的出版质量、期限出版图书。
      Article 34 A copyright holder shall deliver the work within the period stipulated in the contract. A book publisher shall publish the books pursuant to the publication quality and deadline stipulated in the contract.
         Where a book publisher fails to publish the books within the period stipulated in the contract, it shall bear civil liability pursuant to the provisions of Article 61 hereof.
      A book publisher shall notify the copyright holder of reprint or publication of new edition of the work and pay remuneration. Where the book publisher refuses to reprint or publish a new edition after the books are sold out, the copyright holder shall have the right to terminate the contract.
      第三十五条   著作权人向报社、期刊社投稿的,自稿件发出之日起十五日内未收到报社通知决定刊登的,或者自稿件发出之日起三十日内未收到期刊社通知决定刊登的,可以将同一作品向其他报社、期刊社投稿。双方另有约定的除外。
      Article 35 Where a copyright holder has submitted his/her manuscript to a newspaper publisher or periodical publisher but is not notified by the newspaper publisher of the decision to publish the manuscript within 15 days from the date of submission of the manuscript, or is not notified by the periodical publisher of the decision to publish the manuscript within 30 days from the date of submission thereof, he/she may submit the same manuscript to another newspaper publisher or periodical publisher, unless otherwise agreed between both parties.
         Upon publication of the work, unless the copyright holder states that the work shall not be reprinted or extracted, other newspaper or periodical publishers may reprint the work or publish the work in the form of digest or material, but remuneration shall be paid to the copyright holder pursuant to the provisions.
      第三十六条   图书出版者经作者许可,可以对作品修改、删节。
      Article 36 Subject to the consent of the author, a book publisher may make modification or deletion to the work.
         Newspaper and periodical publishers may make modification or deletion to the text of a work. Modification of contents shall be subject to the consent of the author.
      第三十七条   出版者有权许可或者禁止他人使用其出版的图书、期刊的版式设计。
      Article 37 A publisher shall have the right to license or prohibit the use by others of layout designs of books and periodicals published by it.
         The period of protection of the right stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be 10 years and shall expire on 31 December of the 10th year following the first publication of the book or periodical which uses the said layout design.
      第二节 表 演Section 2 Performances
      第三十八条   使用他人作品演出,表演者应当取得著作权人许可,并支付报酬。演出组织者组织演出,由该组织者取得著作权人许可,并支付报酬。Article 38 The consent of the copyright holder shall be obtained by performers for performance of others’ work, and remuneration shall be paid. The organiser of a performance shall obtain the consent of the copyright holder, and remuneration shall be paid.
      第三十九条   表演者对其表演享有下列权利:
      Article 39 Performers shall enjoy the following rights in their performance:
         (1) state the identity of the performers;
      (2) protect the image of the performance from distortion;(3) license others to make live broadcast and public transmission of a live performance and receive remuneration;(4) license others to make audio and video recordings and receive remuneration;(5) license others to replicate, distribute or lease audio and video recordings which contain the performance, and receive remuneration; and(6) license others to transmit the performance to the public through information network and receive remuneration.A licensee who uses a work in a manner stipulated in Item (3) to Item (6) of the preceding paragraph shall obtain the consent of the copyright holder and pay remuneration.
      第四十条   演员为完成本演出单位的演出任务进行的表演为职务表演,演员享有表明身份和保护表演形象不受歪曲的权利,其他权利归属由当事人约定。当事人没有约定或者约定不明确的,职务表演的权利由演出单位享有。
      Article 40 A performance made by an actor in order to complete the performance assignments of a performing entity shall be deemed as performance given in the course of employment, such actor shall have the right to prove identity and protect his/her performance image against distortion, and the ownership of other rights shall be agreed upon between the parties concerned. Where there is no agreement or the agreement is not clear, the performing entity shall enjoy the rights in a performance given in the course of employment.
         Where the rights in a performance given in the course of employment are enjoyed by the actor, the performing entity may use the performance free of charge within its scope of business.
      第四十一条   本法第三十九条第一款第一项、第二项规定的权利的保护期不受限制。
      Article 41 The period of protection of the rights stipulated in Item (1) and Item (2) of the first paragraph of Article 39 hereof shall not be subject to restriction.
         The period of protection of the rights stipulated in Item (3) to Item (6) of the first paragraph of Article 39 hereof shall be 50 years and shall expire on 31 December of the 50th year following the performance.
      第三节 录音录像Section 3 Audio and Video Recordings
      第四十二条   录音录像制作者使用他人作品制作录音录像制品,应当取得著作权人许可,并支付报酬。
      Article 42 A producer of audio and video recordings who uses others’ works for production of audio and video recordings shall obtain the consent of the copyright holder and pay remuneration.
         The consent of the copyright holder is not required for use of others’ musical works which are already legitimately recorded as audio recordings in the production of audio recordings, but the producer of audio recordings shall pay remuneration pursuant to the provisions; such musical works shall not be used where the copyright holder has stated that the use thereof is not permitted.
      第四十三条   录音录像制作者制作录音录像制品,应当同表演者订立合同,并支付报酬。Article 43 Producers of audio and video recordings shall enter into a contract with the performers for production of audio and video recordings and pay remuneration.
      第四十四条   录音录像制作者对其制作的录音录像制品,享有许可他人复制、发行、出租、通过信息网络向公众传播并获得报酬的权利;权利的保护期为五十年,截止于该制品首次制作完成后第五十年的12月31日。
      Article 44 Producers of audio and video recordings shall have the right to license replication, distribution or lease of their audio and video recordings by others or transmission of their audio and video recordings to the public through information network by others and to receive remuneration; the period of protection of the rights shall be 50 years, and shall expire on 31 December of the 50th year following completion of the first production of the said product.
         A licensee that reproduces or distributes audio and video recordings or transmits the same to the public through information network shall, at the same time, obtain permission from the copyright holder and the performer and pay remuneration; a licensee that rents out audio and video recordings shall also obtain permission from the performer and pay remuneration.
      第四十五条   将录音制品用于有线或者无线公开传播,或者通过传送声音的技术设备向公众公开播送的,应当向录音制作者支付报酬。Article 45 Where an audio recording is disseminated to the public by cable or wireless mode or is broadcast to the public through technical equipment for transmission of sound, remuneration shall be paid to the producer of the audio recording.
      第四节 广播电台、电视台播放Section 4 Broadcasts by Radio and Television Stations
      第四十六条   广播电台、电视台播放他人未发表的作品,应当取得著作权人许可,并支付报酬。
      Article 46 The consent of the copyright holder shall be obtained for broadcast of others’ unpublished works by radio and television stations, and remuneration shall be paid.
         The consent of the copyright holder is not required for broadcast of others’ published works by radio and television stations, but remuneration shall be paid pursuant to the provisions.
      第四十七条   广播电台、电视台有权禁止未经其许可的下列行为:
      Article 47 A radio or television station shall have the right to prohibit the following acts which it has not permitted:
         (1) rebroadcasting of its radio or television broadcasts by wire or wireless means;
      (2) recording and reproduction of its radio or television broadcasts; and(3) dissemination of its radio or television broadcasts to the public through an information network.The exercise of the rights stipulated in the preceding paragraph by a radio or television station shall not affect, restrict or infringe upon others’ exercise of copyright or rights relating to copyright.The rights stipulated in the first paragraph of this Article shall be protected for a period of 50 years and shall expire on 31 December of the 50th year following the first transmission of such radio or television broadcast.
      第四十八条   电视台播放他人的视听作品、录像制品,应当取得视听作品著作权人或者录像制作者许可,并支付报酬;播放他人的录像制品,还应当取得著作权人许可,并支付报酬。Article 48 A television station that broadcasts another’s audio-visual work or video recording shall obtain permission from the copyright holder of the audio-visual work or the producer of the video recording and pay remuneration; a television station that broadcasts another’s video recording shall also obtain permission from the copyright holder and pay remuneration.
      第五章 著作权和与著作权有关的权利的保护Chapter V Protection of Copyright and Copyright-related Rights
      第四十九条   为保护著作权和与著作权有关的权利,权利人可以采取技术措施。
      Article 49 A right holder may adopt technical measures for the purpose of protecting copyright and the rights relating to copyright.
         No organisation or individual may, without the permission of the right holder, intentionally circumvent or destroy the technical measures, manufacture, import or provide the general public with relevant devices or parts for the purpose of circumventing or destroying technical measures, or intentionally provide technical services for others to circumvent or destroy technical measures except the circumstances under which such measures may be circumvented as stipulated by the laws and administrative regulations.
      Technical measures referred to in this Law shall mean effective technologies, devices or parts used for prevention and restriction of browsing or appreciating of works, performances, audio and video recordings or provision of works, performances, audio and video recordings through an information network to the general public without the permission of the right holder.
      第五十条   下列情形可以避开技术措施,但不得向他人提供避开技术措施的技术、装置或者部件,不得侵犯权利人依法享有的其他权利:
      Article 50 Under the following circumstances, the technical measures may be avoided, but the technologies, devices or parts for avoiding technical measures shall not be provided to others and the other rights enjoyed by the right holder pursuant to law shall not be infringed upon:
         (1) provision of a small quantity of published works for use by teachers or scientific researchers in classroom teaching or scientific research, and the said works cannot be obtained through normal channels;
      (2) provision of published works to persons with dyslexia in a manner which is accessible to them and not for profit-making purposes, and the said works cannot be obtained through normal channels;(3) performance of official duties by State organs under the administrative, supervisory and judicial procedures;(4) testing of the safety performance of a computer as well as its system or network; or(5) conducting encryption research or reverse engineering research of computer software.The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to the restriction of rights relating to copyright.
      第五十一条   未经权利人许可,不得进行下列行为:
      Article 51 The following acts shall not be committed without the consent of a right holder:
         (1) intentional deletion or alteration of the rights management information on works, layout designs, performances, audio and video recordings or radio and television broadcasts, except where such act is unavoidable due to technical reasons; or
      (2) provision of works, layout designs, performances, audio and video recordings or radio and television broadcasts to the public when any person is or should be aware that the rights management information thereon has been deleted or altered without permission.
      第五十二条   有下列侵权行为的,应当根据情况,承担停止侵害、消除影响、赔礼道歉、赔偿损失等民事责任:
      Article 52 Persons who have committed the following infringement acts shall bear civil liability to stop infringement, eliminate impact, apologise, compensate losses, etc. as the case may be:
         (1) publication of a work without the consent of the copyright holder;
      (2) publication of a work jointly created with others as a personal independently created work without the consent of the co-author(s);(3) passing off as author of others’ work without participating in the creation of the work to seek personal fame and fortune;(4) distortion of or tampering with others’ work;(5) plagiarism of others’ work;(6) use of a work in the form of exhibition or production of audio-visual works without the consent of the copyright holder, or use of a work in the form of adaptation, translation, annotation, etc., unless otherwise stipulated in this Law;(7) failure to pay remuneration which should have paid for use of others’ work;(8) lease of original or copies of the works or audio and video recordings without the consent of the copyright holders, performers of audio-visual works, computer software and audio and video recordings or producers of audio and video recordings, unless otherwise stipulated in this Law;(9) use of the layout design of a published book or a periodical without the consent of the book or periodical publisher;(10) live broadcast or public transmission of a live performance or recording of the performance without the consent of the performers; and(11) any other acts which infringe upon copyright and copyright-related rights.
      第五十三条   有下列侵权行为的,应当根据情况,承担本法第五十二条规定的民事责任;侵权行为同时损害公共利益的,由主管著作权的部门责令停止侵权行为,予以警告,没收违法所得,没收、无害化销毁处理侵权复制品以及主要用于制作侵权复制品的材料、工具、设备等,违法经营额五万元以上的,可以并处违法经营额一倍以上五倍以下的罚款;没有违法经营额、违法经营额难以计算或者不足五万元的,可以并处二十五万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
      Article 53 Persons who have committed any of the following infringing acts shall bear civil liability stipulated in Article 52 hereof as the case may be; where the infringing act also harms public interest, the competent copyright authority shall order the persons to stop the infringing act and give them a warning, confiscate illegal income, confiscate and render innocuous destruction of the infringing replicas and materials, tools, equipment, etc. used mainly for manufacturing of the infringing replicas; where the illegal turnover is 50,000 yuan or more, a fine ranging from one to five times the illegal turnover may be imposed on them; where there is no illegal turnover or the illegal turnover is difficult to compute or is less than 50,000 yuan, a fine of not more than 250,000 yuan may be concurrently imposed on them; if the case constitutes a criminal offence, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law:
         (1) reproduction, distribution, performance, screening, broadcasting, compilation or dissemination to the public through information network of a work without the consent of the copyright holder, unless otherwise stipulated in this Law;
      (2) publication of a book for which the exclusive right of publication belongs to another;(3) reproduction or distribution of an audio or video recording of a performance or dissemination to the public through information network of a performance without the consent of the performer, unless otherwise stipulated in this Law;(4) reproduction or distribution of an audio or video recording or dissemination to the public through information network of an audio or video recording without the consent of the producer, unless otherwise stipulated in this Law;(5) broadcasting, reproduction, or dissemination to the public through information network of a radio or television broadcast without the consent, unless otherwise stipulated in this Law;(6) intentional avoidance or destruction of technical measures without the consent of the copyright holder or the holder of copyright-related rights, intentional manufacturing, importation or provision of devices or components used principally for the avoidance or destruction of technical measures for others, or intentional provision of technical services to others for the avoidance or destruction of technical measures, unless otherwise stipulated in laws and administrative regulations;(7) without the permission of the copyright holder or holder of rights related to the copyright, deliberate deletion or alteration of the rights management information on a work, layout design, performance or audio and video recording, or radio or television broadcast, or provision to the public of such work, layout design, performance or audio and video recording, or the radio or television broadcast when any person knows or should have known that the rights management information thereon has been deleted or altered without the permission, unless otherwise provided for in any law or administrative regulation; or(8) production or sale of a work where the signature of another is forged.
      第五十四条   侵犯著作权或者与著作权有关的权利的,侵权人应当按照权利人因此受到的实际损失或者侵权人的违法所得给予赔偿;权利人的实际损失或者侵权人的违法所得难以计算的,可以参照该权利使用费给予赔偿。对故意侵犯著作权或者与著作权有关的权利,情节严重的,可以在按照上述方法确定数额的一倍以上五倍以下给予赔偿。
      Article 54 Where the copyright or copyright-related rights are infringed, the infringer shall make compensation based on the actual losses suffered by the holder of rights or the illegal income of the infringer; where it is difficult to compute the actual losses of the holder of rights or the illegal income of the infringer, compensation may be made with reference to the royalties for such rights. In the case of intentional infringement of copyright or copyright-related rights, where the case is serious, compensation may be paid ranging from one to five times the amount determined pursuant to the aforesaid method.
         Where it is difficult to compute the actual losses of the holder of rights, the illegal income of the infringer or the royalties, a people’s court shall rule on compensation ranging from 500 yuan to 5 million yuan based on the extent of the infringement.
      The compensation amount shall also include reasonable expenses incurred by the holder of rights to curb the infringement act.In the determination of compensation amount by a people’s court, where the holder of rights has performed the requisite burden of proof, but the account books and materials relating to the infringement act are held by the infringer, the people’s court may order the infringer to provide account books and materials relating to the infringement act; where the infringer refuses to provide or provides false account books and materials, the people’s court may determine the compensation amount with reference to the claims of the holder of rights and the evidence provided.In the trial of a copyright dispute case, a people’s court shall, except under special circumstances, order that the infringing replicas be destroyed at the request of the holder of rights, order that the materials, tools and equipment used mainly for manufacturing the infringing replicas be destroyed without compensation, or order that the aforesaid materials, tools and equipment be prohibited from entering into commercial channels under special circumstances without compensation.
      第五十五条   主管著作权的部门对涉嫌侵犯著作权和与著作权有关的权利的行为进行查处时,可以询问有关当事人,调查与涉嫌违法行为有关的情况;对当事人涉嫌违法行为的场所和物品实施现场检查;查阅、复制与涉嫌违法行为有关的合同、发票、账簿以及其他有关资料;对于涉嫌违法行为的场所和物品,可以查封或者扣押。
      Article 55 The competent copyright authority may, when investigating into and punishing the acts of suspected infringement upon the copyright and copyright-related rights, question the relevant parties and investigate the matters relating to the alleged illegal acts, conduct on-site inspection of premises and articles of the parties concerned involving alleged illegal acts, inspect and make copies of contracts, invoices, account books and other relevant materials relating to the alleged illegal acts, and seal up or seize the premises and articles involving the alleged illegal acts.
         When the competent copyright authority exercises the official powers stipulated in the preceding paragraph pursuant to the law, the parties concerned shall render assistance and cooperation and shall not refuse or hinder.
      第五十六条   著作权人或者与著作权有关的权利人有证据证明他人正在实施或者即将实施侵犯其权利、妨碍其实现权利的行为,如不及时制止将会使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的,可以在起诉前依法向人民法院申请采取财产保全、责令作出一定行为或者禁止作出一定行为等措施。Article 56 Where a copyright holder or holder of copyright-related rights has evidence to prove that others are committing or are about to commit an act of infringement upon its/his rights or hinder the realisation of its/his rights, and that its/his legitimate rights and interests will suffer irreparable damage if no prompt action is taken, it/he may, prior to filing a lawsuit, apply to a people’s court pursuant to the law for adoption of property preservation measures, order to perform certain acts, or prohibition from performing certain acts, etc.
      第五十七条   为制止侵权行为,在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,著作权人或者与著作权有关的权利人可以在起诉前依法向人民法院申请保全证据。Article 57 A copyright holder or holder of copyright-related rights may, prior to filing a lawsuit, apply to a people’s court for preservation of evidence pursuant to the law for the purpose of curbing infringement acts under the circumstance that the evidence may be destroyed, lost or difficult to obtain in the future.
      第五十八条   人民法院审理案件,对于侵犯著作权或者与著作权有关的权利的,可以没收违法所得、侵权复制品以及进行违法活动的财物。Article 58 A people’s court may, in the trial of cases on infringement of copyright or copyright-related rights, confiscate illegal income, infringing replicas and assets used in illegal activities.
      第五十九条   复制品的出版者、制作者不能证明其出版、制作有合法授权的,复制品的发行者或者视听作品、计算机软件、录音录像制品的复制品的出租者不能证明其发行、出租的复制品有合法来源的,应当承担法律责任。
      Article 59 Where any publisher or producer of replicas is unable to prove that its publication or production is legitimately authorised or where any distributor of replicas or any lessor of replicas of audio-visual works, computer software or audio and video recordings is unable to prove that the replicas distributed or leased by it have a legitimate source, it shall bear legal liability.
         Where the sued infringer asserts that it shall not bear liability for tort during the legal proceedings, it shall provide evidence to prove that it has obtained the consent of the right holder or that it is allowed to use the works without the consent of the right holder as stipulated in this Law.
      第六十条   著作权纠纷可以调解,也可以根据当事人达成的书面仲裁协议或者著作权合同中的仲裁条款,向仲裁机构申请仲裁。
      Article 60 A copyright dispute may be settled by mediation or may be submitted to an arbitration agency for arbitration pursuant to the written arbitration agreement concluded between the parties concerned or the arbitration clause in the copyright contract.
         Where there is no written arbitration agreement between the parties concerned, and the copyright contract does not include an arbitration clause, the parties concerned may file a lawsuit directly with a people’s court.
      第六十一条   当事人因不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定而承担民事责任,以及当事人行使诉讼权利、申请保全等,适用有关法律的规定。Article 61 Where a party concerned bears civil liability due to its failure to perform contractual obligations or its performance of contractual obligations failing to comply with the agreement, and where a party concerned exercises litigation rights or applies for preservation, etc., the provisions of the relevant laws shall apply.
      第六章 附 则Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
      第六十二条   本法所称的著作权即版权。Article 62 Copyright referred to in this Law shall mean literary property.
      第六十三条   本法第二条所称的出版,指作品的复制、发行。Article 63 Publication referred to in Article 2 hereof shall mean reproduction and distribution of works.
      第六十四条   计算机软件、信息网络传播权的保护办法由国务院另行规定。Article 64 The measures for protection of computer software and information network transmission rights shall be separately formulated by the State Council.
      第六十五条   摄影作品,其发表权、本法第十条第一款第五项至第十七项规定的权利的保护期在2021年6月1日前已经届满,但依据本法第二十三条第一款的规定仍在保护期内的,不再保护。Article 65 Where the period of protection of publication right and the rights of photographic works stipulated in Item (5) to Item (17) of the first paragraph of Article 10 hereof expires before 1 June 2021, but such rights are still within the term of protection pursuant to the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 23 hereof, such works shall no longer be protected.
      第六十六条   本法规定的著作权人和出版者、表演者、录音录像制作者、广播电台、电视台的权利,在本法施行之日尚未超过本法规定的保护期的,依照本法予以保护。
      Article 66 Where the period of protection of the rights of copyright holders, publishers, performers, producers of audio and video recordings, radio and television stations stipulated in this Law has yet to expire on the date of effectiveness hereof, such rights shall be protected pursuant to this Law.
         Infringement or default acts occurred before entry into force hereof shall be punished pursuant to the relevant provisions prevailing at the time of occurrence of the infringement or default acts.
      第六十七条   本法自1991年6月1日起施行。Article 67 This Law shall become effective 1 June 1991.