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      中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例(2013修订)(2002年8月2日中华人民共和国国务院令第359号公布根据2011年1月8日《国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定》第一次修订根据2013年1月30日《国务院关于修改〈中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例〉的决定》第二次修订)Implementation Regulations for the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China (2013 Revision)(Promulgated via the order of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China No. 359 on 2 August 2002First revision pursuant to the Decision of State Council on Abolition and Amendment to Certain Administrative Regulations on 8 January 2011Second revision pursuant to the “Decision of State Council on Revision of the Implementation Regulations for the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China” on 30 January 2013)
      第一条   根据《中华人民共和国著作权法》(以下简称著作权法),制定本条例。Article 1.   These Implementation Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) are formulated in accordance with the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Copyright Law”).
      第二条   著作权法所称作品,是指文学、艺术和科学领域内具有独创性并能以某种有形形式复制的智力成果。Article 2.   The term “works” as stated in the Copyright Law shall include original works of literature, arts and sciences with intellectual results which can be reproduced in a tangible form.
      第三条   著作权法所称创作,是指直接产生文学、艺术和科学作品的智力活动。
      Article 3.   The term “creative works” as stated in the Copyright Law shall include intellectual activities directly related to the production of works of literature, arts and sciences.
      “Creative works” shall not include organising creative works by another party in the form of providing advice, opinions or physical conditions or carrying out of auxiliary work.
      第四条   著作权法和本条例中下列作品的含义:
      Article 4.   The following terms as stated in the Copyright Law and these Regulations shall have the following definitions:
      (1) literary works shall include novels, poetry, prose, theses and other works in written form;(2) oral works shall include impromptu speeches, lectures, courtroom debates and other works in oral form;(3) musical works shall include songs, symphonies and other works with or without lyrics which are sung or performed instrumentally;(4) theatrical works shall include stage plays, operas, Chinese operas and other stage productions;(5) folk art forms shall include comic dialogue, quick patter (clapper ballads), dagu (versified stories sung to the accompaniment of a small drum and other instruments), storytelling and other works performed primarily in the form of talking and singing;(6) dances shall include performances of emotional expressions in the form of continuous movements, gestures and expressions etc;(7) acrobatic arts shall include acrobatics, magic, and circus performances in the form of physical actions and techniques;(8) artistic works shall include paintings, calligraphy, sculptures and other flat or three-dimensional aesthetic works created with the use of lines, colours or other patterns;(9) architecture shall include aesthetic works in the form of buildings or structures;(10) photography shall include works which record the somatic form of objects on light sensitive materials or other mediums with the aid of instruments;(11) cinematography and film production shall mean the aggregate of visual images embodied in a form which can be shown as a moving picture with or without a soundtrack associated with such visual images;(12) graphs shall include engineering designs, product designs, structural designs and schematic diagrams to indicate geographic phenomena and explain principles or fundamentals; and(13) replica shall mean a three-dimensional scale model produced in accordance with the shape and structure of an object for the purpose of exhibition, experiment or observation.
      第五条   著作权法和本条例中下列用语的含义:
      Article 5.   References to the following terms in the Copyright Law and these Regulations shall have the following definitions:
      (1) current affairs news shall include factual information reported through communications media such as newspapers, periodicals, radio and television;(2) audio recordings shall include recordings of performances or other sounds;(3) video recordings shall include recordings of cinematography and film production which can be shown as a moving picture with or without a soundtrack associated with the visual images.(4) producer of an audio recording shall mean the person who first produced an audio recording;(5) producer of a video recording shall mean the person who first produced a video recording; and(6) performers shall include actors, actresses, producers or other persons who perform literary or artistic works.
      第六条   著作权自作品创作完成之日起产生。Article 6.   Copyright shall vest in creative works from the date of completion of such works.
      第七条   著作权法第二条第三款规定的首先在中国境内出版的外国人、无国籍人的作品,其著作权自首次出版之日起受保护。Article 7.   Clause 3 of Article 2 of the Copyright Law provides that foreigners or stateless persons who first publish works in China shall be entitled to copyright protection from the date of first publication of the work.
      第八条   外国人、无国籍人的作品在中国境外首先出版后,30日内在中国境内出版的,视为该作品同时在中国境内出版。Article 8.   Works first published by foreigners or stateless persons outside China and which are subsequently published in China within 30 days of the first publication shall be deemed to have been published simultaneously in China.
      第九条   合作作品不可以分割使用的,其著作权由各合作作者共同享有,通过协商一致行使;不能协商一致,又无正当理由的,任何一方不得阻止他方行使除转让以外的其他权利,但是所得收益应当合理分配给所有合作作者。Article 9.   Authors who have collaborated on works which cannot be divided for usage shall be entitled to joint copyright of such works. Such copyright shall be exercised upon consultation and agreement. Where the joint authors are unable to reach an agreement following consultation, no one author shall unreasonably prevent the other from exercising copyright claims other than that of a transfer, provided that any income or profit derived shall be divided fairly among all joint authors of the work.
      第十条   著作权人许可他人将其作品摄制成电影作品和以类似摄制电影的方法创作的作品的,视为已同意对其作品进行必要的改动,但是这种改动不得歪曲篡改原作品。Article 10.   If a copyright holder permits another party to produce a film, or work in the form of film production, based on his work for which such copyright is vested, it shall be deemed as prior consent for necessary modifications to such work, provided that such modifications shall not distort or tamper with the original work.
      第十一条   著作权法第十六条第一款关于职务作品的规定中的“工作任务”,是指公民在该法人或者该组织中应当履行的职责。
      Article 11.   References to work duties relating to creative works in Clause 1 of Article 16 of the Copyright Law shall include duties to be performed by a citizen for such legal person or organisation.
      References to physical and technical conditions for work duties relating to creative works in Clause 2 of Article 16 of the Copyright Law shall include funds, facilities or information provided by such legal person or organisation to a citizen specifically for the purpose of completion of such creative works.
      第十二条   职务作品完成两年内,经单位同意,作者许可第三人以与单位使用的相同方式使用作品所获报酬,由作者与单位按约定的比例分配。
      Article 12.   Within two years from the completion of creative works relating to work duties, rewards derived by a third party from the permitted use of such works, in the manner for which the author and its work unit intended its use, shall be divided between the author and the work unit based on an agreed ratio.
      The two-year period shall commence on the date of delivery of such works by the author to the work unit.
      第十三条   作者身份不明的作品,由作品原件的所有人行使除署名权以外的著作权。作者身份确定后,由作者或者其继承人行使著作权。Article 13.   If the identity of the author of a work is unclear, the legal bearer of the original work shall have the right to exercise all copyright claims, except the author’s right of acknowledgement. Upon establishment of the author’s identity, the author or his inheritor shall exercise the copyright claims.
      第十四条   合作作者之一死亡后,其对合作作品享有的著作权法第十条第一款第五项至第十七项规定的权利无人继承又无人受遗赠的,由其他合作作者享有。Article 14.   Where there is no inheritor or beneficiary for the copyright held by a deceased author of joint works mentioned in Items (5) to (17) of Clause 1 of Article 10 of the Copyright Law, the other joint authors shall be entitled to such copyright.
      第十五条   作者死亡后,其著作权中的署名权、修改权和保护作品完整权由作者的继承人或者受遗赠人保护。
      Article 15.   The inheritor or beneficiary of a deceased author shall be entitled to the rights of acknowledgement, and the rights to modify and preserve the integrity of the work included in the copyright.
      Where there is no inheritor or beneficiary for the copyright held by a deceased author, the copyright administration department shall be entitled to the rights of acknowledgement, and the rights to modify and preserve the integrity of the work included in the copyright.
      第十六条   国家享有著作权的作品的使用,由国务院著作权行政管理部门管理。Article 16.   The copyright administration department shall administer the use of works for which copyright is vested in the State.
      第十七条   作者生前未发表的作品,如果作者未明确表示不发表,作者死亡后50年内,其发表权可由继承人或者受遗赠人行使;没有继承人又无人受遗赠的,由作品原件的所有人行使。Article 17.   If a work is unpublished by its author before his death, the rights to publish may be exercised by the inheritor or beneficiary of the author within 50 years from the author’s death, provided that the author has not expressly indicated that the work is not for publication. Where there is no inheritor or beneficiary, the legal owner of the original work shall exercise such rights.
      第十八条   作者身份不明的作品,其著作权法第十条第一款第五项至第十七项规定的权利的保护期截止于作品首次发表后第50年的12月31日。作者身份确定后,适用著作权法第二十一条的规定。Article 18.   Protection of copyrighted works by unidentified authors provided in Items (5) to (17) of Clause 1 of Article 10 of the Copyright Law shall expire on 31 December of the 50th year from the date of first publication of the work. Upon clarification of the author’s identity, the provisions of Article 21 of the Copyright Law shall apply.
      第十九条   使用他人作品的,应当指明作者姓名、作品名称;但是,当事人另有约定或者由于作品使用方式的特性无法指明的除外。Article 19.   In the use of another person’s published works, the name of the author and title of the work shall be indicated, unless otherwise agreed or where the manner of use prevents such indication.
      第二十条   著作权法所称已经发表的作品,是指著作权人自行或者许可他人公之于众的作品。Article 20.   Reference to published works in the Copyright Law shall include works published by the copyright holder or other party with the consent of the copyright holder.
      第二十一条   依照著作权法有关规定,使用可以不经著作权人许可的已经发表的作品的,不得影响该作品的正常使用,也不得不合理地损害著作权人的合法利益。Article 21.   The Copyright Law provides that permissible use of published works without the consent of copyright holders shall not affect the normal use of such works or prejudice legitimate rights and interests of copyright holders.
      第二十二条   依照著作权法第二十三条、第三十三条第二款、第四十条第三款的规定使用作品的付酬标准,由国务院著作权行政管理部门会同国务院价格主管部门制定、公布。Article 22.   Standard fees for use of works provided by Article 23, Clause 2 of Article 33 and Clause 3 of Article 40 of the Copyright Law shall be set and promulgated by the copyright administration department and pricing administration department of the State Council.
      第二十三条   使用他人作品应当同著作权人订立许可使用合同,许可使用的权利是专有使用权的,应当采取书面形式,但是报社、期刊社刊登作品除外。Article 23.   A licensing contract shall be concluded between a copyright holder and a user for the exclusive use of the copyright holder’s works by the user, with the exception of works published in newspapers or magazines.
      第二十四条   著作权法第二十四条规定的专有使用权的内容由合同约定,合同没有约定或者约定不明的,视为被许可人有权排除包括著作权人在内的任何人以同样的方式使用作品;除合同另有约定外,被许可人许可第三人行使同一权利,必须取得著作权人的许可。Article 24.   Exclusive rights to use works as provided in Article 24 of the Copyright Law shall be set out in a contract. Where the contract does not stipulate clearly, the licensed user shall be deemed as having the right to exclude all persons, including the copyright holder, from using the work in the same manner. Unless otherwise provided in the contract, consent must be given by the copyright holder for the licensed user to authorise a third party to exercise the same rights.
      第二十五条   与著作权人订立专有许可使用合同、转让合同的,可以向著作权行政管理部门备案。Article 25.   Licensing contracts for the exclusive use of works or transfer contracts concluded with copyright holders may be filed with the copyright administration departments.
      第二十六条   著作权法和本条例所称与著作权有关的权益,是指出版者对其出版的图书和期刊的版式设计享有的权利,表演者对其表演享有的权利,录音录像制作者对其制作的录音录像制品享有的权利,广播电台、电视台对其播放的广播、电视节目享有的权利。Article 26.   References to copyright related rights and interests in the Copyright Law and these Regulations shall include publishers’ rights relating to formats and designs of books and periodicals, performers’ rights relating to performances, producers’ rights relating to audio-visual recordings and rights held by radio or television stations in relation to radio or television programs.
      第二十七条   出版者、表演者、录音录像制作者、广播电台、电视台行使权利,不得损害被使用作品和原作品著作权人的权利。Article 27.   The exercise of rights by publishers, performers, producers of audio-visual recordings and radio or television stations shall not jeopardise the works or prejudice the rights of copyright holders.
      第二十八条   图书出版合同中约定图书出版者享有专有出版权但没有明确其具体内容的,视为图书出版者享有在合同有效期限内和在合同约定的地域范围内以同种文字的原版、修订版出版图书的专有权利。Article 28.   Exclusive publishing rights provided in a publishing contract without specific definition of such rights shall be deemed as exclusive rights of the publisher to publish the original manuscript or revised edition of the manuscript in the same language, within the contract term and within the territories stipulated in the contract.
      第二十九条   著作权人寄给图书出版者的两份订单在6个月内未能得到履行,视为著作权法第三十二条所称图书脱销。Article 29.   If a publisher fails to fulfil 2 sets of orders from a copyright holder within a period of 6 months, it shall be deemed as an “out of stock” situation provided for in Article 32 of the Copyright Law.
      第三十条   著作权人依照著作权法第三十三条第二款声明不得转载、摘编其作品的,应当在报纸、期刊刊登该作品时附带声明。Article 30.   Copyright holders who prohibit the reprint or extraction of their works in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2 of Article 33 of the Copyright Law shall declare such prohibition when the work is published in newspapers or periodicals.
      第三十一条   著作权人依照著作权法第四十条第三款声明不得对其作品制作录音制品的,应当在该作品合法录制为录音制品时声明。Article 31.   Copyright holders who prohibit the reproduction of their audio recordings in accordance with the provisions of Clause 3 of Article 40 of the Copyright Law shall declare such prohibition in such audio recordings.
      第三十二条   依照著作权法第二十三条、第三十三条第二款、第四十条第三款的规定,使用他人作品的,应当自使用该作品之日起2个月内向著作权人支付报酬。Article 32.   Fees payable for using the works of a copyright holder in accordance with the provisions of Article 23, Clause 2 of Article 33 and Clause 3 of Article 40 of the Copyright Law shall be paid to the copyright holder within 2 months from the date of use of such works.
      第三十三条   外国人、无国籍人在中国境内的表演,受著作权法保护。
      Article 33.   Performances by foreigners and stateless persons in China shall be protected by the Copyright Law.
      Rights enjoyed by foreigners or stateless persons in accordance with treaties to which China is a signatory in relation to such performances shall be protected by the Copyright Law.
      第三十四条   外国人、无国籍人在中国境内制作、发行的录音制品,受著作权法保护。
      Article 34.   Audio recordings produced and issued by foreigners or stateless persons in China shall be protected by the Copyright Law.
      Rights enjoyed by foreigners or stateless persons in accordance with treaties to which China is a signatory in relation to such audio recordings produced and issued in China shall be protected by the Copyright Law.
      第三十五条   外国的广播电台、电视台根据中国参加的国际条约对其播放的广播、电视节目享有的权利,受著作权法保护。Article 35.   Rights enjoyed by foreign radio and television stations in accordance with treaties to which China is a signatory in relation to radio and television programs shall be protected by the Copyright Law.
      第三十六条   有著作权法第四十八条所列侵权行为,同时损害社会公共利益,非法经营额5万元以上的,著作权行政管理部门可处非法经营额1倍以上5倍以下的罚款;没有非法经营额或者非法经营额5万元以下的,著作权行政管理部门根据情节轻重,可处25万元以下的罚款。Article 36.   For persons who have committed infringement mentioned in Article 48 of the Copyright Law and harm public interest concurrently, where the turnover of the illegal business is RMB50,000 or above, the copyright administration department may impose a fine ranging from one to five times the amount of the turnover of the illegal business; where there is no turnover of the illegal business or the turnover of the illegal business is less than RMB50,000, the copyright administration department may, based on the severity of the case, impose a fine of not more than RMB250,000.
      第三十七条   有著作权法第四十八条所列侵权行为,同时损害社会公共利益的,由地方人民政府著作权行政管理部门负责查处。
      Article 37.   The copyright administration department of the local people’s government shall investigate and prosecute any infringing act provided in Article 48 of the Copyright Law which jeopardises public interests.
      The State Council’s copyright administration department may investigate and prosecute infringing acts which have a significant nation-wide effect.
      第三十八条   本条例自2002年9月15日起施行。1991年5月24日国务院批准、1991年5月30日国家版权局发布的《中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例》同时废止。Article 38.   These Implementation Regulations shall be effective 15 September 2002. The Implementation Regulations for the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China approved by the State Council on 24 May 1991 and promulgated by the State Copyright Bureau on 30 May 1991 shall be repealed simultaneously.