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Trademark Application

Two Ways of TM Filing

  • File directly to the China Natonal Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA).
  • File an international application through the Madrid System and select China as the designated country.

Priority claims

China has a first-to-file trademark system, so the filing date of a trademark application can be very important. If you have previously filed a trademark application in another country that is a member of the Paris Convention, you may claim an earlier priority date based on the previously filed application within six months of the subsequent application.

Information and documents required for registration

  • Company applicants: Business License / Certificate of Incorporation
  • Individual applicants: ID card / passport and proof of address
  • Sample of trademark
  • POA

Trademark Registration Process

  • Preliminary search
  • Filing and acceptance
  • Substantive examination
  • Publication
  • Issuing certification

Duartion of Application

Within 9 months.