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How to Solve IP disputes through Litigation & Arbitration in China?


If an IP dispute can’t be settled through negotiation, such dispute shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) if an arbitration agreement/ clause is reached by both parties; or

to the courts with jurisdictions in China. You can receive conjunction and damage (including legal fees) from a decision made by a court or arbitration and then enforce your IPR in China.



  • In general, litigation requires six months for the first instance and three months for the second instance, but such term can be extended indefinitely in theory;
  • In general, arbitration requires 3-6 months.

Docs/ info required:

  • The ID of the plaintiff (must be notarized and legalized by competent authority);
  • Info of defendant (names, addresses, etc.);
  • POA (must be notarized and legalized by competent authority);
  • Proof of IP (must be notarized and legalized by competent authority if happened abroad);
  • details of infringement (products, links, places, etc.).